FreeMarker model reference
1. Introduction
This part of the book contains API references for various APIs you may want to use while developing an application using iKnowBase.
Every component which supports FreeMarker templates has its own section in this chapter, with a separate chapter for shared model object at the end.
1.1. Understanding the notation
For every component, there are two pieces of information:
The first table inside the chapter describes the objects made available to the FreeMarker template. For each object there is a short description, as well as information about the type of the model object.
Subsequent tables describe the properties of each model object type. For each property there is a short description, as well as information about the type of the property.
Often, there is a reference to a property named <default>
. This is the value returned from the model object when no property is specified.
Also, there are often references to a property named <name>
. These refer to a "generic" notation, where you can use any name. This name is then typically used to look up information for an object of that name.
1.2. Wrapped objects
Some of the models may refer to wrapped object properties, with reference to a java class. In those situations, the properties of that model object will be defined by the java class directly, through the use of FreeMarker’s BeanModel. For detailed information, see the FreeMarker documentation of the BeansModel class.
2. Global objects
Certain model objects are always available when running inside an iKnowBase-managed template:
context |
This object contains information about the execution context. |
iknowbase |
A reference to the iKnowBase repository |
userdata |
An (initially) empty map used for passing data between chained templates in a template set |
Map |
When running in a web settings, where there is in fact an underlying HTTP servlet, the following objects are also available:
httpServletRequest |
Provides access to the underlying HttpServletRequest |
httpServletResponse |
Provides access to the underlying HttpServletResponse |
encodeURL |
Function that encodes URL, in particular to optimize access to static resources |
When using the Presentation Services' Form Processor (typically in a plugin), the following objects are also available
form |
Default reference name for accessing the Form Processor’s "form" model. |
3. Generic models
These models are used across components and portlets.
3.1. ObjectReferenceModel
This object contains a single reference to an external object (value list, dimension, etc).
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the reference object |
String |
objectId |
The object id of the references object |
Number |
objectGuid |
The object guid of the referenced object |
String |
externalKey |
The external_key specified for the attribute behind the field |
String |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "label" property. |
String |
3.2. UserReferenceModel
This object contains a single reference to a user
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the reference object |
String |
objectId |
The object id of the references object |
Number |
objectGuid |
The object guid of the referenced object |
String |
externalKey |
The external_key specified for the attribute behind the field |
String |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "label" property. |
String |
3.3. ComponentModel
This object contains information about the currently execution component (the ContentViewer).
Property | Description | Type |
id |
Name of the component as it is known on the client side (in the web browser). Use this for ajax-based api calls on the component. |
String |
function refreshThisComponent() { iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent ('${}'); }
3.4. ContextModel
The ContextModel-object contains general information related to an execution context. Use this object to find information about current time and current user.
<p> This information was last refreshed on ${context.datetime} </p>
Property | Description | Type |
user |
Information about the executing user, either a logged on user or the guest user applicable to the request |
domain |
Information about the domain applicable to the request |
date |
Current date |
Date |
time |
Current time |
Time |
datetime |
Current date and time |
Datetime |
millis |
Number of milliseconds since 1.1.1970 |
Number |
request |
Information about the current request |
language |
iKnowBase language code for the current context. |
String |
isDevelopmentMode |
Flag indicating whether development mode is enabled or not |
Boolean |
isServeExpandedResources |
Flag indicating whether resources should be served expanded (without compression) |
Boolean |
commonScripts |
HTML for resources to generate in <head> of HTML-page |
String |
3.5. UserModel
The UserModel-object contains information about the executing user, either a logged on user or the guest user applicable to the request.
Property | Description | Type |
isLoggedOn |
Whether the current user is logged on, or is a public user |
Number |
isAdmin |
Whether the current user has administrator access |
Number |
id |
Numeric user id for the user |
Number |
username |
Username (loginname) for the user |
String |
token |
UserToken for secure authentication without logging in, for ajax-based processing. |
socialAuthentication |
Information regarding the active OAuth2 user authentication (if used). |
3.6. UserTokenModel
The UserTokenModel-object contains a token for secure authentication without logging in, for ajax-based processing.
Property | Description | Type |
name |
Name of the URL-parameter for the token |
String |
value |
Token value |
String |
3.7. SocialAuthenticationModel
The SocialAuthenticationModel-object contains information regarding the users profile from the external OAuth2 identity provider. Only applicable if OAuth2 is used for authentication.
Property | Description | Type |
providerId |
The id of the provider the connection is associated with. |
String |
attributes |
A map of the available OAuth2 attributes from the provider. |
Map |
3.8. DomainModel
The DomainModel-object contains information about the domain applicable to the current request.
Property | Description | Type |
objectId |
The object ID of the domain |
Number |
objectGuid |
The object guid of the domain |
String |
label |
The label of the domain |
String |
name |
The name of the domain, typically HOST.PORT |
String |
ikbViewerPath |
The path to the ikbViewer module, without a trailing slash |
String |
pageEnginePath |
The path to the page engine, without a trailing slash/ikbViewer |
String |
contentServerPath |
The path to the content server, without a trailing slash |
String |
resourcePath |
The path to the resource directory, without a trailing slash |
String |
ikbStudioPath |
The path to the development studio, without a trailing slash |
String |
3.9. RequestModel
This object contains parameters available to the component.
Property | Description | Type |
pageurl |
URL for the page currently running. |
String |
servername |
Name of server where the viewer is running (part of pageurl) |
String |
serverport |
Port number of server where the viewer is running (part of pageurl) |
String |
parameters |
Parameters sent to the request. |
Value of URL-parameter (shortcut to |
String |
The properties username, referencepath and guid were earlier available in this model. They have been deprecated.
3.10. ParametersModel
This object contains information about request parameters from the current HTTP-request. The model supports several of the basic FreeMarker model types:
It is a TemplateHashModel, supporting one property per parameter
It is a TemplateHashModelEx, supporting the built-ins
. -
It is a ScalarModel, returning a single String with all parameter names and values for debug purposes
Property | Description | Type |
Value of URL-parameter (shortcut to |
ParameterModel, String |
3.11. ParameterModel
This model contains all values for a given parameter. The model supports several of the basic FreeMarker model types:
It is a String (ScalarModel), returning the first (or only) value for the parameter
It is a TemplateSequenceModel containing Strings, supporting index-based lookups (
) and iteration ([#list context.request.parameters.paramname as param]…[/#list]
3.12. TextMapModel
This model object contains language specific texts defined with various iKnowBase objects. The model object is a compound object. First is the actual TextMapModel, which enables you to find a TextString based on a user defined key. Next is the TextStringModel, which decides which definition of the string to use, for example the one stored with a Page or the one stored with a Template.
You may use only the TextMapModel object (as in ${viewer.strings.contactEmail}
), which will then search for the string in any of the available locations. You may also specify the location "any" for the same purpose (as in ${viewer.strings.contactEmail.any}
). If you want complete control of the string location, specify it directly (as in ${viewer.strings.contactEmail.template}
The locations available vary from portlet to portlet. See the definition of the portlet object for description of which locations apply to that portlet.
3.12.2. TextStringModel
Property | Description | Type |
page |
The value of the text with the given name, as specified on the page. |
String |
template |
The value of the text with the given name, as specified on the template. |
String |
style |
The value of the text with the given name, as specified on the presentation style. |
String |
viewer |
The value of the text with the given name, as specified on the viewer. |
String |
domain |
The value of the text with the given name, as specified on the domain. |
String |
any |
Return any string, from any of the available locations (properties). |
String |
Value from one of style, viewer and domain, if present; otherwise null. |
String |
<!-- The text specified in the "contactEmail" string, in any available location. --> ${viewer.strings.contactEmail}
<!-- The text specified in the "contactEmail" string, in any available location. --> ${viewer.strings.contactEmail.any}
<!-- The text specified in the "contactEmail" string, on the template only --> ${viewer.strings.contactEmail.template}
<!-- The freemarker default value operator does not work without a location --> ${viewer.strings.contactEmail!"default-email`"}
<!-- The freemarker default value operator works only when specifying a location --> ${viewer.strings.contactEmail.any!"default-email`"} ${viewer.strings.contactEmail.template!"default-email`"}
3.13. LoadXML macro
Use this macro to load XML from a specified URL, for further processing using FreeMarker.
Parameter | Description | Type |
name |
Name of variable you want to create, where the XML will be loaded into |
String |
url |
URL where the specified XML resides |
String |
timeout |
Optional timeout in milliseconds. If no timeout is specified, a default value of 60 seconds will be used.. The timeout applies to each of the connect and read phases independently. |
Number |
<@ikb.loadXML 'myxml' '' /> <#list ikb.myxml.entries as entry> ${entry.title} </#list>
<@ikb.loadXML 'myxml' '' 2000 /> <#if ikb.myxml! == ""> No data was returned; possibly timeout </#if>
3.14. LoadURL macro
Use this macro to load arbitrary text from a specified URL, for further processing using FreeMarker.
Parameter | Description | Type |
name |
Name of variable you want to create, where the content will be loaded into. |
String |
url |
URL where the specified content resides. |
String |
timeout |
Optional timeout in milliseconds. The timeout applies to each of the connect and read phases independently. Default is 60 seconds. |
Number |
maxsize |
Optional max content size, in bytes. Default is 65536 (64KiB). |
Number |
<@ikb.loadURL 'myurl' ' '/> <div> ${ikb.myurl} </div>
3.15. AssignDate macro
Use this macro for simple date arithmetic, where you start with a certain date and then add a duration.
Parameter | Description | Type |
name |
Name of variable you want to create, where the content will be loaded into |
String |
base |
Base date |
Datetime |
increment |
Increment in milliseconds |
Number |
<@ikb.assignDate 'dueWarning' viewer.logic.currentDate 259200000 /> <div> ${ikb.dueWarning} </div>
3.16. encodeURL
The function encodeURL
will encode an URL, if required, in particular to optimize access to static resources.
For a default iKnowBase installation, it will encode references to static resources (such as
), for much better front-end caching. If the URL does not refer to a
known resource, the URL is returned unchanged.
The returned URL will change if the content of the resource changes. The function should not be used if the output URL is expected to be bookmarked or otherwise stored |
The function is a FreeMarker-specific shortcut to the standard function HttpServletRequest.encodeURL from the servlet API. For other template languages, you may call that function directly.
Encoded: ${encodeURL('/ressurs/iknowbase/css/iknowbase.css')} Not encoded: ${encodeURL('')}
4. Content viewer
4.1. Overview
The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available to the ContentViewer.
(String, Number, Date)-
4.2. Global objects
These are the global (top level) objects available when using FreeMarker from a ContentViewer.
Object | Description | Type |
viewer |
This object contains information about the viewer, its presentation style and its data. |
context |
This object contains information about the execution context. |
component |
This object contains information about the executing component. |
4.3. ViewerModel
This object contains information about the ContentViewer itself, its definition and data.
Property | Description | Type |
data |
The full data set of the content viewer. |
style |
The presentation style of the content viewer. |
logic |
Logic information about the content viewer. |
navigation |
Navigational information about the content viewer. |
param |
URL-parameters. |
strings |
Available strings for the viewer. This TextMapModel supports locations "style", "viewer" and "domain". |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the value of the "data" property. |
4.4. RowSetModel
This object contains a set of rows/documents. The top level RowSetModel (as returned from
) contains all rows/documents returned from the content viewer, whereas RowSetModels accessed differently (for example through row.sub
from a specific row) contains only a partial set of documents.
The object is a freemarker sequence model, so you can access the nodes directly using ${data[index]}
, or you can traverse it using the [#list]…[/#list]
The object is also a freemarker node, so you can also use the built-ins ?children, ?parent, ?root, ?ancestors, ?node_name, ?node_type and ?node_namespace. The ?node_name and ?node_type properties are both "DocumentList".
Property | Description | Type |
isEmpty |
A flag indicating whether the content viewer returned any rows. Returns true if the viewer is empty. |
Boolean |
count |
The number of documents on the current level (documentLevel) |
Number |
lastLevel |
The level of the last document available in this data set. |
Number |
level |
A sequence containing only documents on this particular level, e.g. without subdocuments. This is the default, so it can be skipped. |
Sequence(Row) |
recurse |
A sequence containing both documents on this level and all subdocuments. |
Sequence(Row) |
style |
The presentation style of the current level of the ContentViewer. |
?children |
List of documents |
List of RowModel |
?parent |
There is no parent; it always returns null. |
Null |
?root |
There is no root node; it always returns null. |
?ancestors |
List of ancestors |
List of RowModel |
?node_namespace |
There is no namespace; it always returns null. |
Null |
?node_type |
Always the string "DocumentList" |
String |
?node_name |
Always the string "DocumentList" |
String |
When used directly, the rowset object evaluates to a sequence of Row-objects. |
Sequence(Row) |
The data field object for a given field. The field name refers to "reference name" from the presentation style definition. The type of the property varies, depending on the data type of the data field. |
DataFieldXxx |
4.5. RowModel
This model object contains information about a single row / document returned from the viewer.
The model is a freemarker node, so you can also use the built-ins ?children, ?parent, ?root, ?ancestors, ?node_name, ?node_type and ?node_namespace.
Note that part of the information is context sensitive. For example, a document might be the second document in the collection data.viewer.level
(and thus have isOdd=false), while also being available as the third document in the collection data.viewer.recurse
(and thus have isOdd=true).
Property | Description | Type |
fields |
The fields (attributes) from a single row/document in the data set of the ContentViewer. |
documentLevel |
The level of the current document. |
Number |
documentId |
The documentId of the current document. |
Number |
isOdd |
The current document is on an odd row number (1,3,5,…) |
Boolean |
isFirst |
The current document is the first in the result set. |
Boolean |
isLast |
The current document is the last in the result set. |
Boolean |
sub |
A collection of sub documents from the current document. |
document |
The returned document, without attributes |
?children |
List of children documents |
List of RowModel |
?parent |
Parent node |
?root |
Root node |
?ancestors |
List of ancestors |
List of RowModel |
?node_namespace |
There is no namespace; it always returns null. |
Null |
?node_type |
Always the string "Document" |
String |
?node_name |
Always the string "Document" |
String |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "fields" property. |
The data field object for a given field. The field name refers to "reference name" from the presentation style definition. The type of the property varies, depending on the data type of the data field. |
DataFieldXxx |
4.6. DocumentModel
This object represents an iKnowBase document. The structure of the DocumentModel is more or less the same as the "Document" object in the ServiceAPI.
Note that this model may not be fully populated. In particular, the various ObjectReferences will probably only contain an id or a guid, and the list of attributes is often not present.
Property | Description | Type |
documentReference |
Document identity, with id, guid and externalKey |
title |
Document title (same as documentReference.label) |
description |
Document description (ingress) |
String |
aclReference |
Reference to acl |
documentTypeReference |
Reference to document type |
ownerReference |
Reference to document owner |
parentReference |
Reference to parent document |
statusReference |
Reference to document status |
content |
Document content, if loaded |
validity |
Document validity |
auditInformation |
Document audit information |
validFrom |
"Valid from" attribute of document |
Date |
validTo |
"Valid to" attribute of document |
Date |
created |
Created-time of document |
Date |
createdBy |
Reference to user who created document (same as owner) |
Date |
updated |
Updated-time of document |
Date |
updatedBy |
Reference to user who made last update to document |
Date |
filename |
Filename of document content, if it is a file |
String |
url |
URL stored on document, if it is an URL |
String |
isFile |
Indicates whether the document content is a file |
Boolean |
isUrl |
Indicates whether the document content is an URL |
Boolean |
isText |
Indicates whether the document content is text (plain or html) |
Boolean |
isXml |
Indicates whether the document content is XML |
Boolean |
4.7. ContentModel
Property | Description | Type |
filename |
Filename of stored content |
String |
url |
Stored URL |
String |
textContent |
Stored text content |
String |
xmlContent |
Stored XML-content |
org.w3c.Element |
4.8. ValidityModel
Property | Description | Type |
from |
Datetime document is valid from |
Datetime |
to |
Datetime document is valid to |
Datetime |
4.9. AuditInformationModel
Property | Description | Type |
timestamp |
Datetime of any document change |
Datetime |
created.user |
Reference to user who created document |
| |
Datetime document was created |
Datetime |
updated.user |
Reference to user who updated document |
| |
Datetime document was updated |
Datetime |
4.10. DataFields
This object is a FreeMarker "hash" container containing the data fields for a given document in the ContentViewer. The object can be accessed by field name, as defined in the presentation style defintion.
Property | Description | Type |
The data field object for a given field. The field name refers to "reference name" from the presentation style definition. The type of the property varies, depending on the data type of the data field. |
DataFieldXxx. |
4.11. DataFieldString
This object contains the data field of type String.
Property | Description | Type |
char |
The unformatted string value of the field. |
String |
html |
The formatted html value of the field. |
String |
text |
The formatted html value of the field (deprecated for ".html") |
String |
label |
The label value of the field |
String |
attribute |
The attribute behind the field, or null if there is no attribute |
externalKey |
(Deprecated, use attribute.externalKey) |
String |
hasValue |
A boolean indicating whether the value is specified and not blank. |
Boolean |
style |
The style specification for this particular data field. |
Style |
xml |
For non-system attributes, return the string value as a parsed XML Node object. |
url |
For system attributes that represent a link, this returns the value of the "href" attribute of the |
String |
onclick |
For system attributes that represent a link, this returns a javascript-statement that can be used to follow the link. The onclick event must be attached to an |
String |
script |
This property is deprecated; use the onclick-property instead. |
String |
nodeText |
(Deprecated) For system attributes that return a link, this returns the text elements inside the |
String |
nodeValue |
(Deprecated) For system attributes that return a link, this returns the text elements inside the |
String |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "html" property. |
String |
4.12. DataFieldNumber
This object contains the data field of type Number.
Property | Description | Type |
number |
The number value of the field. |
Number |
char |
The unformatted string value of the field. |
String |
html |
The formatted html value of the field. |
String |
text |
The formatted html value of the field (deprecated for ".html") |
String |
label |
The label value of the field |
String |
attribute |
The attribute behind the field, or null if there is no attribute |
externalKey |
(Deprecated, use attribute.externalKey) |
String |
hasValue |
A boolean indicating whether the value is specified and not blank. |
Boolean |
style |
The style specification for this particular data field. |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "number" property. |
Number |
4.13. DataFieldDate
This object contains the data field of type Number.
Property | Description | Type |
date |
The date value of the field. |
Date |
char |
The unformatted string value of the field. |
String |
html |
The formatted html value of the field. |
String |
text |
The formatted html value of the field (deprecated for ".html") |
String |
label |
The label value of the field |
String |
attribute |
The attribute behind the field, or null if there is no attribute |
externalKey |
The external_key specified for the attribute behind the field |
String |
hasValue |
A boolean indicating whether the value is specified and not blank. |
Boolean |
style |
The style specification for this particular data field. |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "date" property. |
Date |
4.14. DataFieldClob
This object contains the data field of type Clob.
Property | Description | Type |
char |
The unformatted string value of the field. |
String |
html |
The formatted html value of the field. |
String |
text |
The formatted html value of the field (deprecated for ".html") |
String |
label |
The label value of the field |
String |
attribute |
The attribute behind the field, or null if there is no attribute |
externalKey |
The external_key specified for the attribute behind the field |
String |
hasValue |
A boolean indicating whether the value is specified and not blank. |
Boolean |
style |
The style specification for this particular data field. |
Style |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "html" property. |
String |
4.15. DataFieldFiles
This object contains the data field of type Files, e.g. where the value is one or more files. This is of course used for attachments, but also for derived image formats (such as thumbnails) for image documents.
Property | Description | Type |
char |
The unformatted string value of the field. |
String |
html |
The formatted html value of the field. |
String |
text |
The formatted html value of the field (deprecated for ".html") |
String |
label |
The label value of the field |
String |
attribute |
The attribute behind the field, or null if there is no attribute |
externalKey |
The external_key specified for the attribute behind the field |
String |
hasValue |
A boolean indicating whether the value is specified and not blank. |
Boolean |
style |
The style specification for this particular data field. |
Style |
… |
Any other property maps to the same property on the first File, so that ${file.xxxx} maps to {file[0].xxx} |
… |
This object is a sequence of DataFieldReference objects. |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "html" property. |
String |
4.16. DataFieldFile
This object represents a File value.
Property | Description | Type |
url |
The URL of the file content |
String |
mimetype |
The mimetype of the file, if known |
String |
filename |
The filename of the file, if known |
String |
4.17. DataFieldReference
This object contains an ObjectReference, e.g. a reference to an object in the iKnowBase repository. Exactly what is being pointed to cannot be found from this object; this must be derived from the context (such as the containing attribute): A value list attribute would contain a reference to a value list, while a dimension attribute would contain a reference to a dimension.
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the reference |
String |
objectId |
The ID of the reference |
Number |
objectGuid |
The guid of the reference |
String |
externalKey |
The external key of the reference |
String |
4.18. DataFieldReferences
This object contains the data field of type References, e.g. where the value is one or more references to external objects (value lists, dimensions, etc).
Property | Description | Type |
char |
The unformatted string value of the field. |
String |
html |
The formatted html value of the field. |
String |
text |
The formatted html value of the field (deprecated for ".html") |
String |
label |
The label value of the field |
String |
attribute |
The attribute behind the field, or null if there is no attribute |
externalKey |
The external_key specified for the attribute behind the field |
String |
hasValue |
A boolean indicating whether the value is specified and not blank. |
Boolean |
style |
The style specification for this particular data field. |
Style |
… |
Any other property maps to the same property on the first reference |
… |
This object is a sequence of DataFieldReference objects. |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "html" property. |
String |
4.19. DataFieldAction
This object represents a single action, typically represented as a HTML <a>
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the action |
String |
url |
The URL of the action, used as the "href" attribute of the |
String |
onclick |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
script |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
4.20. DataFieldUserAction
This object is an extension of the DataFieldAction-object, and represents an action that applies to a specific user. In addition to the action information in the DataFieldAction-object, you can also find information about the referred user:
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the action |
String |
url |
The URL of the action, used as the "href" attribute of the |
String |
onclick |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
script |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
reference |
The user referenced by this action |
4.21. DataFieldObjectAction
This object is an extension of the DataFieldAction-object, and represents an action that applies to a specific object. In addition to the action information in the DataFieldAction-object, you can also find information about the referred object; the type of the object should be apparent from the type of the field:
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the action |
String |
url |
The URL of the action, used as the "href" attribute of the |
String |
onclick |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
script |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
reference |
The object referenced by this action |
4.22. DataFieldDocumentAction
This object is an extension of the DataFieldAction-object, and represents an action that applies to a specific document. In addition to the action information in the DataFieldAction-object, you can also find information about the referred object:
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the action |
String |
url |
The URL of the action, used as the "href" attribute of the |
String |
onclick |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
script |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
reference |
The document referenced by this action |
DocumentReference |
4.23. DataFieldActions
This object is used for data fields that represent multiple actions, for example when retrieving document and image links.
Property | Description | Type |
char |
The unformatted string value of the field. |
String |
html |
The formatted html value of the field. |
String |
text |
The formatted html value of the field (deprecated for ".html") |
String |
label |
The label value of the field |
String |
attribute |
The attribute behind the field, or null if there is no attribute |
externalKey |
The external_key specified for the attribute behind the field |
String |
hasValue |
A boolean indicating whether the value is specified and not blank. |
Boolean |
style |
The style specification for this particular data field. |
Style |
This object is a sequence of DataFieldAction objects. |
DataFieldAction, DataFieldUserAction, DataFieldObjectAction or DataFieldDocumentAction |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "html" property. |
String |
Note that the Actions (plural) object typically will return HTML corresponding to all of the linked objects, while you can access each individual link through the sequence operator. Also, detailed information about the referenced object (such as the object label / document title) is only available by referencing the individual objects.
4.24. AttributeModel
This object contains information about a defined attribute. Most DataField model objects have a reference to an AttributeModel object.
Property | Description | Type |
objectId |
The ID of the attribute |
Number |
objectGuid |
The guid of the attribute |
String |
level |
The level of the attribute |
Number |
label |
The text of the attribute |
String |
name |
The name of the attribute |
String |
datatype |
String |
4.25. StyleModel
This object contains the presentation style definition for a ContentViewer, or for a specific level inside the Content Viewer.
Property | Description | Type |
fields |
The fields defined inside a presentation style |
StyleFields |
hasQuickLink |
A boolean indicating whether there are quicklinks |
Boolean |
quickLink |
A list of quicklinks |
List(QuickLinkModel) |
portletTitle |
The title of the portlet |
String |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the "fields" property. |
The StyleField object for a given field. The field name refers to the "reference name" from the presentation style definition. |
4.26. QuickLinkModel
This object represents a quick link, as defined in a ContentViewer.
Property | Description | Type |
text |
The full html value of the quicklink, e.g. the full |
String |
label |
The label value of the field |
String |
url |
The URL to the quick link target |
String |
onclick |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
script |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
nodeText |
(Deprecated) The text elements inside the |
String |
nodeValue |
(Deprecated) The text elements inside the |
String |
4.27. StyleFields
This object is a FreeMarker "hash" container containing the field specifications for a given presentation style. The object can be accessed by field name, as defined in the presentation style defintion.
Property |
Description |
Type |
The style field object for a given field. The field name refers to "reference name" from the presentation style definition. Note that the StyleField may also be reached through the "style" property on the DataField objects. |
4.28. StyleField
This object contains the properties defined on a single field in a presentation style.
The term "next sorting" is used to indicate that the property adapts to current state: If the field is not sorted, it returns a value suitable for ascending sort; if the field already has ascending sort, it returns a value suitable for descending sort; finally, if it already has descending sort, it returns a value suitable for ascending sort.
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the presentation style field. |
String |
externalKey |
The external_key specified for the attribute behind the field. |
String |
isSortActive |
Indicator to whether any sort is active for the field |
Boolean |
isSortActiveAscending |
Indicator to whether ascending sort is active for the field |
Boolean |
isSortActiveDescending |
Indicator to whether descending sort is active for the field |
Boolean |
sortAction |
A clickable action for "next sorting". |
sortActionAscending |
A clickable action for ascending sorting |
sortActionDescending |
A clickable action for descending sorting |
sortIconActive |
HTML image tag displaying icon for currently active sort, if any. |
String |
sortIconAscending |
HTLM image tag displaying either active or passive icon for ascending sort. |
String |
sortIconDescending |
HTLM image tag displaying either active or passive icon for descending sort. |
String |
sortLabel |
Deprecated, use "sortAction" instead. |
sortIconAsc |
Deprecated, use "sortIconAscending" instead. |
String |
sortIconDesc |
Deprecated, use "sortIconDescending" instead. |
String |
4.29. LogicModel
This object contains the set of fields defined in the presentation style
Property | Description | Type |
languageId |
The languageId of the viewer. |
String |
noRecordsFound |
The text to display if the viewer does not return any rows. |
String |
currentDate |
Deprecated; use top level ContextModel instead (${}). |
Date |
dbExecute |
Directive that runs a plsql-block and returns the returned HTP-content. |
String |
hasContainer |
Whether the viewer renders an ajax-capable html container |
Boolean |
[@viewer.logic.dbExecute] BEGIN HTP.prn ('<div>'); HTP.prn ('You are currently connect to instance number ' || DBMS_UTILITY.CURRENT_INSTANCE); HTP.prn ('</div>'); END; [/@viewer.logic.dbExecute]
4.30. NavigationModel
This object contains information supporting navigation in the viewer.
Property | Description | Type |
pageSize |
The number of rows defined to show on each page. |
Number |
firstRow |
Index of the first row. |
Number |
lastRow |
Index of the last row in the current data set (current page). |
Number |
totalRows |
Total number of rows available to the viewer, even after navigation, if available. |
Number |
startRow |
The first row requested (even though it may not actually exist). |
Number |
maxRow |
Max number of rows to return by the viewer. |
Number |
isEmpty |
True if there is no navigation bar. |
Boolean |
text |
HTML of the entire navigation bar |
String |
range |
The current navigation range (#-# of #) |
String |
first |
Link to the first page of the viewer |
previous |
Link to the previous page of the viewer |
next |
Link to the next page of the viewer |
last |
Link to the last page of the viewer |
goto |
One or more links to specific row numbers |
showMore |
A link to the "show more" target defined for the viewer. |
moreLink |
This property is deprecated; use "showMore" instead. |
String |
4.31. GotoModel
This object is a method model that lets you generate links to specific row numbers. As the object is a method, you call it using a method syntax as shown below.
Signature | Description | Type |
goto (start) |
Link to single page |
goto (start, pagesize) |
Link to single page with page size |
goto (start, interval, count) |
List of links |
List (NavigationLink) |
4.31.1. Link to single page
To generate a simple link, use the syntax with a single argument:
Argument | Description | Type |
start |
Row number to generate link to |
Number |
<!-- To generate a single link to row number 50 --> ${viewer.navigation.goto(50)}
4.31.2. Link to single page with page size
To generate a link that both navigates to a specific row and sets the page size, use the syntax with two arguments:
Argument | Description | Type |
start |
Row number to generate link to |
Number |
pagesize |
Number of rows per page |
Number |
<!-- To generate a single link to row number 50, with a pagseize of 25 --> ${viewer.navigation.goto(50, 25)}
4.31.3. List of links
To generate a list of links, use the syntax with three arguments. The method will return a list of links, useful for generating navigating bars with many links, for many pages:
Argument | Description | Type |
start |
Row number to generate link to |
Number |
interval |
Interval between links |
Number |
count |
Number of links to generate |
Number |
The list method will not return any illegal links. If you request goto(50,10,10)
, you are asking for 10 links to rows 50, 60, 70 … 140. However, the method will not return links beyond the last record, so if the viewer has only 65 records, you would get two links only, to rows 50 and 60.
The list method will also allow you to generate links "backwards", using a negative interval. goto(50,-10,10) will generate ten links 10 record intervals, up to row 50. Since it will not generate illegal links, this will in fact return five links: 10,20,30,40 and 50.
<!-- To generate five links before "this row", then "this row", then five links after --> [#list viewer.navigation.goto(viewer.navigation.firstRow-10, -10, 5) as link]${link}[/#list] ${viewer.navigation.goto(viewer.navigation.firstRow)} [#list viewer.navigation.goto(viewer.navigation.firstRow+10, +10, 5) as link]${link}[/#list]
4.32. HtmlLink
This object represents a single html link.
When used directly, the HtmlLink returns a string with the full link (<a>…</a>
Property | Description | Type |
label |
Localized text to use for the link text |
String |
url |
The URL of the action, used as the "href" attribute of the |
String |
onclick |
The script to be used for the "onclick" attribute for an |
String |
script |
The script to be used for the "onclick" attribute for an |
String |
target |
The name of the html target (window) for an |
String |
The complete link element ( |
String |
4.33. NavigationLink
This object represents a single navigation link.
When used directly, the NavigationLink returns a string with the full link (<a>…</a>
Property | Description | Type |
label |
Localized text to use for the link text |
String |
url |
The URL of the action, used as the "href" attribute of the |
String |
onclick |
The script to be used for the "onclick" attribute for an |
String |
startRow |
The first row to be displayed if the link is followed. |
String |
isValid |
A value indicating whether a link is valid or not. |
Boolean |
The complete link element ( |
String |
An invalid link has a start row outside the legal range. Both previous, next and last can return in invalid links, for example if you try to refer to the "previous" value when already on the first page. An invalid link has startRow set to null, url and onclick set to null, while the label contains the proper value.
5. Content search
The Content Search freemarker model is an extension of the Content Viewer, with an extra object available inside the ViewerModel.
5.1. Global objects
These are the global (top level) objects available when using FreeMarker from a Search Viewer.
Object | Description | Type |
viewer |
This object contains information about the viewer, its presentation style and its data. |
context |
This object contains information about the execution context. |
component |
This object contains information about the executing component. |
5.2. ViewerModel
This object contains information about the Search Viewer itself, its definition and data. With the exception of the "search" property, all the others are documented along with the Content Viewer models.
Property | Description | Type |
data |
The data set of the content viewer. |
DataModel |
style |
The presentation style of the content viewer. |
logic |
Logic information about the content viewer. |
navigation |
Navigational information about the content viewer. |
param |
URL-parameters |
strings |
Available strings for the viewer. This TextMapModel supports locations "style", "viewer" and "domain". |
search |
Available search model information |
When used directly, this object evaluates to the value of the "data" property. |
6. XML viewer
6.1. Overview
The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available to the XMLViewer.
6.2. Global objects
These are the global (top level) objects available when using FreeMarker from a XMLViewer.
Object | Description | Type |
xmlviewer |
This object contains the loaded XML |
xmlurl |
This object contains the URL that the XMl was loaded from |
String |
param |
URL-parameters |
context |
This object contains information about the execution context. |
viewer |
This property contains information about the viewer. |
7. Dimension viewer
7.1. Overview
The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available when rendering a Dimension Viewer using a template.
7.2. Global objects
These are the global (top level) objects available when using FreeMarker in a Dimension Viewer.
Object | Description | Type |
component |
This object contains information about the executing component. |
context |
This property contains information about the execution context. |
nodes |
This property contains the top level nodes in the viewer. |
viewer |
This property contains information about the viewer. |
7.3. ViewerModel
This object contains information about the DimensionViewer.
Property | Description | Type |
strings |
Available strings for the viewer. This TextMapModel supports locations "template" and "domain". |
7.4. DimensionListModel
This object contains the top level nodes in the viewer, and is really just a collection of DimensionModel objects.
The object is a freemarker sequence model, so you can access the nodes directly using ${nodes[index]}
, or you can
traverse it using the [#list]…[/#list]
The object is also a freemarker node, so you can also use the built-ins ?children, ?parent, ?root, ?ancestors, ?node_name, ?node_type and ?node_namespace. The ?node_name and ?node_type properties are both DimensionList.
7.5. DimensionModel
This object contains information about a single dimension item.
The object is a freemarker node, so you can also use the built-ins ?children, ?parent, ?root, ?ancestors, ?node_name, ?node_type and ?node_namespace.
Property | Description | Type |
objectId |
The object ID of the node |
Number |
objectGuid |
The object guid of the node |
String |
level |
The level of the node |
Number |
label |
The text of the node |
String |
isActive |
An indicator of whether this node is the "active" one. |
Boolean |
hasActiveChild |
An indicator of whether a sub-node of this one is the "active" one. |
Boolean |
url |
The url of the menu item destination, typically used in the href-attribute of an |
String |
action |
The action specification for the dimension |
dimensionTypes |
List of dimensions types applicable to this node |
List of ObjectReferenceModel |
?children |
List of children nodes |
List of DimensionModel |
?parent |
Parent node |
?root |
Root node |
?ancestors |
List of ancestors |
List of DimensionModel |
?node_namespace |
There is no namespace; it always returns null. |
Null |
?node_type |
Always the string "Dimension" |
String |
?node_name |
Always the string "Dimension" |
String |
7.6. DimensionActionModel
This object contains information about a single dimension action, typically a URL link.
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the action |
String |
url |
The URL of the action, used as the "href" attribute of the |
String |
onclick |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
script |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
Formatted |
(Any) |
8. Menu viewer
8.1. Overview
The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available when rendering a Menu Viewer using a template.
8.2. Global objects
These are the global (top level) objects available when using FreeMarker with a menu viewer.
Object | Description | Type |
component |
This object contains information about the executing component. |
context |
This property contains information about the execution context. |
nodes |
This property contains the top level nodes in the viewer. |
viewer |
This property contains information about the viewer. |
8.3. ViewerModel
This object contains information about the MenuViewer.
Property | Description | Type |
portletTitle |
The title of the portlet |
String |
strings |
Available strings for the viewer. This TextMapModel supports locations "template" and "domain". |
8.4. MenuItemListModel
This object contains the top level nodes in the viewer, and is really just a collection of MenuItem objects.
The object is a freemarker sequence model, so you can access the nodes directly using ${nodes[index]}
, or you can traverse it using the [#list]…[/#list]
The object is also a freemarker node, so you can also use the built-ins ?children, ?parent, ?root, ?ancestors, ?node_name, ?node_type and ?node_namespace. The ?node_name and ?node_type properties are both "MenuItemList".
8.5. MenuItemModel
This object contains information about a single menu item.
The object is a freemarker node, so you can also use the built-ins ?children, ?parent, ?root, ?ancestors, ?node_name, ?node_type and ?node_namespace.
Property | Description | Type |
objectId |
The ID of the node |
Number |
objectGuid |
The guid of the node |
String |
level |
The level of the node |
Number |
label |
The text of the node |
String |
isActive |
An indicator of whether this node is the "active" one. |
Boolean |
hasActiveChild |
An indicator of whether a sub-node of this one is the "active" one. |
Boolean |
url |
The url of the menu item destination, typically used in the href-attribute of an |
String |
action |
The action specification for the menu item |
tooltip |
The tooltip text of the menu item |
String |
cssClass |
The text of the css information specified on the menu item |
String |
image |
The name/path of the image specified on the menu item. Often, styling based on cssClass is a better choice. |
String |
imageRollover |
The name/path of the rollover image specified on the menu item. Often, styling based on cssClass is a better choice. |
String |
isBreadcrumb |
An indicator of whether this node is tagged with "breadcrumb" |
Boolean |
isSitemap |
An indicator of whether this node is tagged with "sitemap" |
Boolean |
?children |
List of children nodes |
List of MenuItemModel |
?parent |
Parent node |
?root |
Root node |
?ancestors |
List of ancestors |
List of MenuItemModel |
?node_namespace |
There is no namespace; it always returns null. |
Null |
?node_type |
Always the string "MenuItem" |
String |
?node_name |
Always the string "MenuItem" |
String |
8.6. MenuItemActionModel
This object contains information about a single menu item action, typically a URL link.
Property | Description | Type |
label |
The label value of the action |
String |
url |
The URL of the action, used as the "href" attribute of the |
String |
onclick |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
script |
The value of the "onclick" attribute of the |
String |
Formatted |
(Any) |
9. Template Viewer
9.1. Overview
The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available when rendering a Template Viewer portlet.
9.2. Global objects
These are the global (top level) objects available when using FreeMarker with a HTML Item Viewer.
Object | Description | Type |
component |
This object contains information about the executing component. |
context |
This property contains information about the execution context. |
viewer |
This property contains information about the viewer. |
10. Activiti Form viewer
The Activiti Form viewer is the component used to render forms related to the Activiti process engine, related to either starting new processes or completing manual tasks.
A few nice-to-know items about the Activiti Form viewer:
The form object is created the first time it is rendered. On repeated renderings (after submits, etc), the same form object is reused, with all the information intact (even if information is not rendered every time).
Form components are "bound" to a data model, where they get their values from and store their values to. However, until a form is submitted or saved, values in the form component are independent from values in the data models.
10.1. Overview
The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available to the Activiti FormViewer:
10.2. ActitiviFormModel
This object contains information about the form data and form components, as well as directives used to render the form.
Property | Description | Type |
currentCommand |
The current command of this invocation |
HashModel |
form |
Directive used to print the html code for the form |
input |
Directive used to create and render a UI component for the form |
label |
Directive used to render a label for a component of the form |
button |
Directive used to render an action button |
message |
Directive used to render a message for a component of the form |
row |
Directive used to render a html row with label and input |
rows |
Directive used to render html rows for many data elements |
components |
Hash with user inteface components of the form |
10.3. ActitiviFormDataModel
This object contains information about a single Activiti FormData object for the form, either a Task form or a Start form, depending on usage.
Property | Description | Type |
type |
Type of form data, either "TaskFormData" or "StartFormData" |
String |
processDefinitionId |
ID of activiti process definition |
String |
processInstanceId |
ID of the process instance. For a start form, this has value only after submitting the form. |
String |
formKey |
Form key defined on the activiti form |
String |
task |
Wrapped object of the underlying task. Valid only for Task forms. For detailed information, see the FreeMarker documentation of the Task class |
String |
items |
Map of items, with all values as strings. |
HashModel |
10.4. ActitiviFormComponentModel
This object, accessible through ${form.components[componentname]}
(e.g form.components["task.description"]
to access the component named "task.description"), contains information about a single form component. Note that the component models are only available after the component has been created through a form.input
reference during the initial rendering; this means that the model is always available after a redisplay of the form (e.g. if validation fails, or if you use a command which does not submit data), but that the first time you display the form, the component does not exist prior to the form.input
Property | Description | Type |
name |
Name of the component |
String |
bindExpression |
Bind expression of the component |
String |
value |
Value of the component |
(Any) |
<!-- Bind and value will be empty on initial rendering --> Description: Bind=${form.components["task.description].bindExpression!}: Value=${form.components["task.description].value!}<br /> [@form.form debug="true"] ... [@form.input name="task.description" /] <!-- Creates the component during initial rendering --> ... [/@form.form] <!-- Bind will not be empty during initial rendering; value might be (depends on Activiti form defintition) --> Description: Bind=${form.components["task.description].bindExpression!}: Value=${form.components["task.description].value!}<br />
10.5. ActitiviFormDirective
This directive is used to render a <form>
html tag. The directive must be closed at the end.
Parameter | Description | Type |
debug |
Set to "true" to render debug information at end of form. Optional . |
String |
[@form.form debug="true"] ... [/@form.form]
10.6. ActitiviFormInputDirective
This directive is used to create a form component and render an input field for a data model item. The directive will automatically adapt its defaults according to the underlying data object’s semantics.
Parameter | Description | Type |
name |
Name you want to use for component; this will also be the "name" attribute in the html form. |
String |
bind |
Path to object you want to load data from and store data to, such as "task.description". If not present, it will default to the "name" attribute. |
String |
type |
Type of input field, according to table below. Default value will depend on type of the bound object |
String |
attribute |
External key of iKnowbBase attribute used to determine field type |
String |
Other parameters are rendered as they are, allowing any html attribute to be used and rendered. |
String |
The input fields can take many different forms, depending on its type. The type is initially decided from the underlying data field, such that a numeric field will render as a number field. You can also specify a type manually to override this; this is particularly useful when a single field type has many possible renderings (such as a list of values, which can render as select or radio, and sometimes even as a popup).
Type | Description |
text |
Normal text input field |
number |
Input field of type number |
textarea |
Normal text area |
tinymce |
Text area with tinymce editor |
date |
Text field with date popup and date format |
datetime-local |
Text field with datetime popup and format |
hidden |
Hidden input field |
checkbox |
Check box to toggle a boolean value on or off |
radio |
Radio list (buttons), with values popuplated from underlying data field |
select |
Select list (drop down), with values populated from underlying data field. |
popup |
Popup button, with values populated from underlying data field. |
<!-- Default input field --> [@form.input name="task.title" /]
<!-- Text area and tinymce editor --> [@form.input name="description" bind="task.description" type="textarea" /] [@form.input name="content" bind="task.content" type="tinymce" tinymce="small"/]
<!-- Renders a dimension navigator, a drop-down to select dimensions and a user popup to select user, based on attribute definitions --> [@form.input name="dimNavPopup" bind="task.organization" attribute="MY_ORG_DIM_ATTRIBUTE" /] [@form.input name="dimNavSelect" bind="task.brand" attribute="MY_BRAND_DIM_ATTRIBUTE" /] [@form.input name="userPopup" bind="task.manager" attribute="MY_USER_ATTRIBUTE" /]
10.7. ActitiviFormLabelDirective
This directive is used to render a label for a data model item, using the label defined in the underlying data model. For example, an Activiti Task item will have an attached label that you can render using this directive.
Parameter | Description | Type |
bind |
Path to object you want to render label for |
String |
[@form.label bind="task.description" /]
10.8. ActitiviFormButtonDirective
This directive is used to render an action button for the form.
Parameter | Description | Type |
name |
Name of button to create. Required. |
String |
action |
Action you want the button to perform. Use "submit" to submit form data; leave out to just reload form. Optional. |
String |
<!-- Simple save-action --> [@form.action name="submit" action="submit"]Complete task[/@form.action]
<!-- Three buttons, typically used on page 3 in a wizard. Use ${} to decide which page to display --> [@form.action name="page2"]Previous[/@form.action] [@form.action name="page2"]Next[/@form.action] [@form.action name="submit" action="submit"]Complete task[/@form.action]
10.9. ActitiviFormMessageDirective
This directive is used to render a message for a component of the form. Messages are typically the result of validation failures (for most input fields), but are also used to store errors occuring during action processing.
<!-- A typical scenario rendering a label, an input field and an error message --> <tr> <td>[@form.label bind="task.valuelist" /]</td> <td>[@form.input name="task.valuelist" attribute="SYSTEST_ATTR_VALUELIST" /]</td> <td>[@form.message for="task.valuelist" class="validationerror" /]</td> </tr>
<!-- Renders an error message for a "submit" button --> [@form.action name="submit" action="submit"]Complete task[/@form.action] [@form.message for="submit" class="validationerror" /]
11. Form Processor Macros
The iKnowBase Presentation Services FormProcessor provides directives used to render form elements in a plugin development environment.
Plugin development environment (See Development Guide > KnowBase Development Toolkit for Java).
Spring Controller with
iKnowBase Presentation Services Form Processor with
A backing bean containing properties with iKnowBase AttributeMapping-annotations (the directives are only available for these properties)
With explicit registration/enabling of the Plugin form macro
FreeMarker view
11.1. Overview
Overview of the available model and directives:
"form" is the default and recommended name, but you may change it when you register the form macro on the Form Processor. The model name "form" is also used by the Activiti Form Viewer. |
11.2. FormModel
This object contains directives used to render form elements for backing bean properties annotated with iKnowBase AttributeMapping.
Property | Description | Type |
input |
Directive used to create and render a UI component for the form |
label |
Directive used to render a label for a component of the form |
bindingFieldErrors |
Directive and model used to render any binding errors for the currently submitted form. |
message |
Directive and model used to render a language specific message from the message source (set of property files) |
resources |
Directive used to render HTML for resources required by the Plugin form macro directives. |
11.3. FormInputDirective
This directive is used to render an input field for an iKnowBase AttributeMapping-annotated bean property. The directive will automatically adapt its defaults according to the annotations present on the property, including the referenced iKnowBase attribute definition.
For read-only bean properties, this directive will display the value of the property. Any input fields will be disabled.
Parameter | Description | Type |
name |
Name of the iKnowBase annotated bean property for which to render input field; this will also be the "name" attribute in the html form. |
String |
type |
Type of input field, see table below for supported values. Default value will depend on type of the bound object. |
String |
Type specific options, see table below for an overview. |
String |
Other parameters are rendered as they are, allowing any html attribute to be used and rendered. |
String |
The input fields can take many different forms, depending on its type. The type is initially decided from the underlying data field, such that a numeric field will render as a number field. You can also specify a type manually to override this; this is particularly useful when a single field type has many possible renderings (such as a list of values, which can render as select or radio, and sometimes even as a popup).
Type | Description |
favoritepopup |
For dimensions only: Popup with an additional select box with the last used dimensions for the current user |
personalacl |
ACL popup with iKnowBase personal acl functionality |
popup |
Popup with values populated from underlying data field |
textarea |
Text area |
Any HTML compatible input type (like date, datetime-local, number, text, select, checkbox, radio, …) |
<!-- Default input field --> [@form.input name="title" /]
<!-- Renders a dimension navigator, a drop-down to select dimensions and a user popup to select user, based on attribute definitions and explit forced type --> [@form.input name="organization" type="popup" /] <!-- NOTE: popup is default and therefore optional on this attribute --> [@form.input name="brand" type="select" /] [@form.input name="manager" type="popup" /]
The following table gives an overview of type specific options. The options are available for the given input types and attribute types.
Option | Description | Input types | Attribute types |
include |
A comma-separated list of external keys for values to be included in the available options (array of strings) |
select, radio, checkbox |
Acl, Dimension,Valuelist, Documenttype |
exclude |
A comma-separated list of external keys for values to be excluded from the available options (array of string) |
select, radio, checkbox |
Acl, Dimension,Valuelist, Documenttype |
showRoot |
Whether to include root dimensions in the available options or not (boolean) |
select, radio, checkbox |
Dimension |
levels |
How many dimension levels to include in the available options (number) |
select, radio, checkbox |
Dimension |
sortBy |
"label" to sort valuelist options by label, otherwise sort by sort key (string) |
select, radio, checkbox |
Valuelist |
selectImgSrc |
Custom select icon (string - url) |
popup |
Dimension, Acl, User, Documentlink, Imagelink |
selectImgAlt |
Custom alt text for select icon (string) |
popup |
Dimension, Acl, User, Documentlink, Imagelink |
selectImgTitle |
Custom title text for select icon (string) |
popup |
Dimension, Acl, User, Documentlink, Imagelink |
removeImgSrc |
Custom remove icon (string - url) |
popup |
Dimension, Acl, User, Documentlink, Imagelink |
removeImgAlt |
Custom alt text for remove icon (string) |
popup |
Dimension, Acl, User, Documentlink, Imagelink |
removeImgTitle |
Custom title text for remove icon (string) |
popup |
Dimension, Acl, User, Documentlink, Imagelink |
editImgSrc |
Custom edit icon (string - url) |
popup |
Dimension, Acl, User, Documentlink, Imagelink |
editImgAlt |
Custom alt text for edit icon (string) |
popup |
Dimension, Acl, User, Documentlink, Imagelink |
editImgTitle |
Custom title text for edit icon (string) |
popup |
Dimension, Acl, User, Documentlink, Imagelink |
<!-- Renders radio buttons for a filtered valuelist sorted by label --> [@form.input name="status" type="radio" include=["IKB_DRAFT", "IKB_COMPLETE"] sortBy="label"/]
11.4. FormLabelDirective
This directive is used to render a label for an iKnowBase AttributeMapping-annotated bean property, using the language specific label defined for the attribute.
Parameter | Description | Type |
name |
Name of the iKnowBase annotated bean property you want to render label for |
String |
Other parameters are rendered as they are, allowing any html attribute to be used and rendered. |
String |
[@form.label name="description" /]
11.5. FormBindingFieldErrors
can be used both as a directive and as a model:
As Directive: Render a message for a component of the form. Messages are typically the result of data mapping or validation failures (for most input fields) according to the bean validation rules set on the backing bean.
As Model: Both a freemarker sequence and hash model, so you can access the nodes directly using
, or you can traverse it using the[#list]…[/#list]
Parameter | Description | Type |
name |
Name of the iKnowBase annotated bean property you want to render label for. If ommitted, display errors for all fields |
String |
separator |
If there are more than one error, use this HTML separator between messages |
String |
<!-- A typical scenario rendering all error messages for all form fields --> [@form.bindingFieldErrors separator="<br>" class="error" /]
<!-- A typical scenario rendering a label, an input field and an error message --> <tr> <td>[@form.label name="title" /]</td> <td>[@form.input name="title" /]</td> <td>[@form.bindingFieldErrors name="title" separator="<br>" class="error" /]</td> </tr>
<!-- All errors --> [#list form.bindingFieldErrors! as fieldError] ${fieldError.field} - ${fieldError.rejectedValue!} - ${fieldError.defaultMessage!} - ${fieldError.localizedMessage!} <br /> [/#list]
<!-- Errors for documentType property only --> [#list form.bindingFieldErrors.documentType! as fieldError] ${fieldError.field} - ${fieldError.rejectedValue!} - ${fieldError.defaultMessage!} - ${fieldError.localizedMessage!} <br /> [/#list]
11.6. FormMessage
can be used both as a directive and as a model:
As Directive: Render a a language specific message for a given code contained within the Form Processor’s MessageSource (you’ll specify it during construction of the Form Processor), which may contain a set of property files specific for your plugin..
As Model: A freemarker hash model, so you can access a message directly using
Parameter | Description | Type |
code |
Key of property in message source (property files) |
String |
default |
Default message if the key was not found in message source |
String |
[@form.message code="myLocalizedFormTitle" default="A default form title" /]
12. Page
12.1. Overview
The figure below gives a quick overview of the models available when rendering a Page using a template.
12.2. Global objects
These are the global (top level) objects available when using FreeMarker in a PageViewer, or directly from the PageEngine.
Object | Description | Type |
page |
This property contains information about the page itself. |
context |
This property contains information about the execution context. |
12.3. PageModel
This object contains information about the page.
Property | Description | Type(s) |
resources |
Resources that need to be included in the final HTML-page. |
regions |
Page regions (as defined by the components, and not by the template). |
clientPage |
Content of the clientPage, if there is a client page for this page execution. |
String |
strings |
Available strings for the page. This TextMapModel supports locations "template", "page" and "domain". |
12.4. ResourcesModel
This object contains information about resources that need to be included in the final HTML-page, typically page title, scripts and css-references.
The object can be used as is, producing all the relevant resources:
<head> ${page.resources} </head>
Alternatively, you can generate head and body properties separately. The head-property contains references that must be in the <head> part of the HTML-page, while the body-property contains references that may occur at the end of the <body> part:
<html> <head> ${page.resources.head} </head> <body> ... ${page.resources.body} </body>
Property | Description | Type |
head |
HTML for resources to generate in <head> of HTML-page |
String |
body |
HTML for resources to generate in <body> of HTML-page |
String |
All resources at once, typically for use in <head> of HTML-page |
String |
12.5. RegionsModel
This model contains all the regions declared in the page. The model supports several of the basic FreeMarker model types:
It is a TemplateHashModel, supporting the properties described in the table below.
It is a TemplateHashModelEx, supporting the built-ins
. -
It is a TemplateSequenceModel containing RegionModel, supporting index-based lookups (
) and iteration ([#list page.regions as region]…[/#list]
). -
It is a TemplateNodeModel (where the children is the set of RegionModel), supporting node-based operations.
In addition to exposing the properties described in the table below, the model is also a freemarker sequence containing RegionModel; these can then be accessed using the syntax page.regions[index]
The model is exposed as a sequence of RegionModel, as well
as a hash of RegionModel indexed by name, and a freemarker NodeModel which can be used for recursion.
Property | Description | Type |
A single region |
[index] |
A single region, by number |
?size |
Number of regions on page |
Number |
?keys |
Sequence of region names |
List of String |
?values |
Sequence of regions |
List of RegionModel |
?children |
List of children nodes |
List of RegionModel |
?parent |
Parent node |
Null |
?root |
Root node |
Null |
?ancestors |
List of ancestors |
List |
?node_namespace |
There is no namespace; it always returns null. |
Null |
?node_type |
Always the string "Regions" |
String |
?node_name |
Always the string "Regions" |
String |
12.6. RegionModel
This model contains all the portlets declared for a given region. The model supports several of the basic FreeMarker model types:
It is a String (ScalarModel), returning the HTML for the entire region
It is a TemplateHashModel, supporting the properties described in the table below.
It is a TemplateSequenceModel containing PageComponentModel, supporting index-based lookups (
) and iteration ([#list page.regions as region]…[/#list]
). -
It is a TemplateNodeModel (where the children is the set of PageComponentModel), supporting node-based operations.
It is a TemplateMacro, used to print an entire region with or without a HTML-based container (
Property | Description | Type |
name |
Name of the region itself |
String |
html |
HTML for the region content |
String |
decorated |
HTML for the region content, always decorated |
String |
undecorated |
HTML for the region content, never decorated |
String |
HTML for the entire region |
String |
[index] |
A single page component, by number |
?size |
Number of regions on page |
Number |
?children |
List of children nodes |
List of PageComponentModel |
?parent |
Parent node |
Null |
?root |
Root node |
Null |
?ancestors |
List of ancestors |
List |
?node_namespace |
There is no namespace; it always returns null. |
Null |
?node_type |
Always the string "Region" |
String |
?node_name |
Always the string "Region" |
String |
RegionModel is also a macro directive which can beused to print content for a region on a page, using the following syntaxes:
Using ".decorated" will return HTML-content where both the region itself and all containing portlets will be decorated with surrounding <div>
-tags, while using ".undecorated" will return HTML-content where neither the region nor the containing portlets will be decorated. In general, use ".undecorated" for content rendered where the <div>
-tag will be illegal, such as inside the document <head>
, or when rendering non-HTML content (JSON, XML, etc).
<@page.regions region="north" /> <@page.regions region="north" container="true" /> <@page.regions region="north" container="false" />
Parameter | Description | Type |
region |
Name of region that you want to print content for |
String |
container |
Flag indicating whether you want to render a surrounding container or not. The default value is "true" |
Boolean |
Specifying "container=true" for the macro makes the page engine surround every component in the region with an HTML-container(<div>…</div>
). This container is required for AJAX-based operations to work, and is recommended for most content. On the other hand, for content that is not HTML-based, or for content that is to be rendered outside the <body> of a HTML-page, the container may produce illegal output, and must be switched off.
12.7. PageComponentModel
This model contains a given page component (portlet). The model supports several of the basic FreeMarker model types:
It is a String (ScalarModel), returning the HTML for the entire page component.
It is a TemplateHashModel, supporting the properties described in the table below.
It is a TemplateNodeModel (where the children is the set of PageComponentModel), supporting node-based operations.
It is a TemplateMacro, used to print an entire region with or without a HTML-based container (
Property | Description | Type |
name |
Name of the page component itself |
String |
markupId |
Markup ID for the page component |
String |
label |
Printable and human readable label; often the portlet title |
String |
HTML for the entire region |
String |
?children |
List of children nodes |
Null |
?parent |
Parent node |
Null |
?root |
Root node |
Null |
?ancestors |
List of ancestors |
List |
?node_namespace |
There is no namespace; it always returns null. |
Null |
?node_type |
Always the string "PageComponent" |
String |
?node_name |
Always the string "PageComponent" |
String |
JavaScript library
iKnowBase provides a JavaScript-library in the client page. For the most part, the content of this is private for the various components. However, for components in the page engine there is one feature that might be useful.
The objects, methods and properties in the iKnowBase JavaScript library are generally not intended for manual use, and they will change between versions. However, as far as possible, the items specified in this document will remain backwards compatible.
13. Global objects
These are the global (top level) objects available to HTML clients, provided automatically by iKnowBase.
Object | Description | Type |
iKnowBase |
The iKnowBase JavaScript root object |
iKnowBase |
14. iKnowBase root object
This object contains functions and properties relating to the entire iKnowBase application.
Property | Description | Type(s) |
busyIndicator |
This method will run a given function and show a busy indicator while the function runs. |
Function |
notify |
This method will show a notification to the end user. |
Function |
PageEngine |
This property contains the PageEngine object, with methods to refresh page components. |
PageEngine |
ContentViewer |
This property contains the ContentViewer object, with methods to perform document actions. |
ContentViewer |
14.1. busyIndicator
The busyIndicator method on the iKnowBase-object will run the given function and show a busy indicator while the function runs. It can apply to either a whole page or a given component.
14.1.1. Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
options |
Can be either a function to be started by the busy indicator, or a hash (object) with properties, as described in the table below. |
Function/Object |
The hash parameter supports the following properties:
Properties | Description | Type |
autoClose |
If |
Boolean |
parent |
If specified the busy indicator will display for the given component, else it will display for the body. It can be specified as a jQuery selector, element, HTML string, or jQuery object. |
String/Object |
start |
Specifies the function to be started by the busy indicator. Note: This is a required property. |
Function |
text |
Specifies the text to display with the busy indicator. |
String |
14.1.3. Example
The following function will show the busy indicator while loading css and scripts. It is manually closed in the start-function’s callback.
IKB.ensure = function(data, callback) { iKnowBase.busyIndicator({autoClose: false, start: function() { var busy = this; load($.makeArray(data.js), $.makeArray(data.css), data.wait, function() { busy.close(); callback(); }); }}); }
14.2. notify
The notify method on the iKnowBase-object will show a notification to the user. It can be of type error, warning, or information. The notification will close when the user clicks on it.
14.2.1. Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type |
options |
A hash (object) with properties, as described in the table below. |
Object |
The hash parameter supports the following properties:
Properties | Description | Type |
duration |
Specifies the number of milliseconds to show the notification. It not specified, the notification will remain open until it is manually closed. |
Number |
text |
Specifies the text/description. |
String |
title |
Specifies the title. |
String |
type |
Specifies the type of notification. Supported values: 'error', 'info', and 'warning'. |
String |
15. iKnowBase.PageEngine
This object contains functions and properties relating to the page engine.
Property | Description | Type(s) |
reloadComponent |
This method will reload a component on a page, optionally passing in a set of URL parameters to use during the reload. |
Function |
15.1. reloadComponent
The reloadComponent method on the PageEngine-object will reload the specified page component from the server, using a number of different settings. The basic syntax is "iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent (settings)", where settings is a JavaScript hash containing the required settings and parameters, but there are also two old-style supported syntaxes:
It is possible to pass a set of URL-parameters for use during the reload. Whether URL-parameters are required or not, and what various parameters mean, will depend entirely on the (user defined) configuration of the specified page component.
15.1.1. Syntax and parameters
The basic syntax is "iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent (settings)", where settings is a JavaScript hash containing the required settings and parameters. The settings object supports the following properties:
Parameter | Description | Type |
pageComponent |
The client-side ID of the component to reload, or a jQuery-object pointing to the component |
String, Element or jQuery |
busyIndicator |
Whether to show a busy indicator during the reload. Defaults to false. |
Boolean |
refreshCache |
Whether to refresh any current cached content, overriding cache timeouts. Defaults to false. |
Boolean |
updateHtml |
Whether to update the html of the component, or just load data. Defaults to true. |
Boolean |
errorPopup |
Whether to automatically display errors, or ignore them. Defaults to true. |
Boolean |
data |
A hash (object) with URL-parameters to be used during reload |
hash |
The return value from the reloadComponent is a jQuery promise object (actually a jqXHR object) making it possible to attach callbacks using methods such as done(), fail() and always(). See the example below for more information.
In order to use updateHtml, the containing page region must be rendered with decorations, as specified by the page.regions FreeMarker model.
The ID of a page component is automatically and computed by the page engine, using an algorithm that may change between versions. You should generate the component ID during component rendering, using the ComponentModel expression ${}. However, you may also specify the pageComponent ID in the page components tab in iKnowBase Development Studio.
The following example reloads the value of a single component, using the parameter p_document_id=1234:
iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent ({ pageComponent: '${}', data: { p_document_id: 1234 } });
The following example adds the busy indicator during reload and ensures that the page component content is regenerated (and not loaded from cache):
iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent ({ pageComponent: '${}', busyIndicator: true, refreshCache: true, data: { p_document_id: 1234 } });
The following example turns off automatic display of errors, and uses the callbacks done and fail for visual status notifications:
iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent ({ pageComponent: id, errorPopup: false }).done (function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { jQuery("#" + id).css("background-color", "green"); }).fail (function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { jQuery("#" + id).css("background-color", "red"); });
15.1.2. Finding the id of the page component
The ID of a page component is normally computed by the page engine, using an algorithm that may change between versions. You should generate the component ID during component rendering, using the FreeMarker expression ${}. You may also specify a stable pageComponent ID in the page components tab in iKnowBase Development Studio, but you are then responsible for ensuring that there are no conflicts.
Use the following template in a ContentViewer to create a function that will reload the viewer with new data:
<script type="text/javascript"> function showDocument (docid) { iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent ({ pageComponent: '${}', data: { p_document_id: docid } }); } </script> <h2> ${}</h2>
15.1.3. Deprecated syntax and parameters
reloadComponent still supports a less versatile syntax "iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent (pageComponent [, url] [, urlParameters]". The traditional syntax has both url and urlParameters as optional function parameters, and it will automatically detect if they are present.
Parameter | Description | Type |
pageComponent |
The client-side ID of the component to reload, or a jQuery-object pointing to the component |
String, Element or jQuery |
url |
URL to the page to reload from, possibly including URL-parameters |
String |
urlParameters |
A hash (object) with additional URL-parameters to be used during reload |
hash |
Note that reloadComponent requires that the containing component has been rendered with decorations, as specified by the page.regions
FreeMarker model.
16. iKnowBase.PageEngine.InstantContentCache
This object contains functions and properties relating to the InstantContentCache, i.e. the mechanism that enables clients to receive notification when content caches have been updated. (Note that for this to work, the content cache key must have "publish updates to instant" enabled).
Property | Description | Type(s) |
start |
This method will start listening for cache notifications, automatically reloading any component which is present on the page |
Function |
16.1. start
The reloadComponent method on the PageEngine.InstantContentCache-object will start listening for cache notifications. Before starting, it will check whether it has any page components with known cache keys; if there are none, the listening process witll not start. Whenever a notification is received, it will check whether a component with that particular cache key is known on the page; if it is, it will use PageEngine.reloadComponent to update the data.
16.1.1. Syntax and parameters
The basic syntax is "iKnowBase.PageEngine.InstantContentCache.start (settings)", where settings is a JavaScript hash containing the required settings and parameters. The settings object is currently undocumented:
Parameter | Description | Type |
reloadComponent |
The function to be called to reload a component. Parameters to this function is a hash containing only the attribute pageComponent. If the function is not specified, iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent will be used. |
Function |
The following example will start listening to cache update notifications, using a default reloadComponent:
The following example will start listening to cache update notifications, telling the user that the page might need to be refreshed:
iKnowBase.PageEngine.InstantContentCache.start({ reloadComponent: function (settings) { iKnowBase.notify ({ text:'Content has been updated. Please refresh the page.' }); } });
17. iKnowBase.Instant
The iKnowBase.Instant object contains functions related to the use of iKnowBase Instant, the component providing real time asynchronous messaging to iKnowBase. Some of the available options are in a sub-object named Atmosphere, so named to indicate that these rely on implementation details of the underlying Atmosphere framework.
For simple usage scenarios, the examples below and in the Development Guide may be sufficient; for more advanced usages you may want to consult and understand the underlying Atmosphere APIs.
Property | Description | Type(s) |
Atmosphere.subscribe |
Subscribes to a topic, and returns the Atmosphere channel. |
Function |
Atmosphere.publish |
Publishes a message to an already subscribed channel. |
Function |
Atmosphere.unsubscribe |
Unsubscribes from a channel already subscribed to. |
Function |
Atmosphere.requestUserListUpdate |
For userList topics: Request a userList response from the server. Same as subscription option subscribeUserListChanges, but used on demand. |
Function |
Atmosphere.requestUserList |
For userList topics: Request a filtered userList response from the server. |
Function |
Atmosphere.requestSubscribeUserListChanges |
For userList topics: enable or disable join/leave updates for the active connection. Same as subscription option subscribeUserListChanges, but used on demand. |
Function |
setDefaultOptions |
Sets default options to be used for all future subscribe-calls. |
Function |
17.1. Atmosphere.subscribe
This method establishes a topic-specific channel between the client and a server. The method also sets up callbacks for various events.
17.1.1. Syntax
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.subscribe (options)
Parameter | Description | Type |
options |
Options to be used, a combination of iKnowBase- and Atmosphere specific options. |
Hash |
17.1.2. Options
The options are as follows:
Parameter | Description | Type |
topicName |
The full name of the topic you want to connect to. |
String |
servletURL |
CORS only: URL to Instant servlet. Used in conjunction with enableXDR atmosphere option. |
String |
subscriptionOptions |
iKnowBase-specific options that apply to the subscription. Optional. |
Hash |
atmosphereOptions |
Atmosphere-specific options that apply to the subscription. Optional. |
Hash |
The subscriptionOptions are as follows:
Parameter | Description | Type |
requestUserList |
Request that the server provides a full list of subscribed users as soon as the client has connected. Optional. |
Boolean |
subscribeUserListChanges |
Request that the server provides join and leave messages when users subscribe and unsubscribe to the topic. Optional. |
Boolean |
The atmoshpereOptions are better described in the Atmosphere documentation, but below are the most important.
Parameter | Description | Type |
transport |
Name of transport to use; Legal values are 'websocket' and 'long-polling'; defaults to 'long-polling'. |
String |
fallbackTransport |
Name of transport to use if the preferred transport is unavailable (or fails); defaults to 'long-polling'. |
Hash |
enableXDR |
CORS only: Enable CORS communication. Used in conjunction with servletURL option. |
String |
onMessage |
Callback for when a messsage is received. Receives a single "data" parameter, whose format depends on the topic setup |
Function |
onOpen |
Callbacks for when the channel is opened. |
Function |
onClose |
Callbacks for when the channel is closed. |
Function |
onReconnect |
Callback for when the client reconnects to the server. |
Function |
onReopen |
Callback for when a re-connection successfully reconnected. |
Function |
onError |
Callback for when the client discovers an error. |
Function |
onMessagePublished |
Callback for when using polling and a response was sent back by the server. |
Function |
onTransportFailure |
Callback for when the transport fails because it is not supported by the client or the server. |
Function |
17.1.3. Topic name and topic options
The topicName option consists of a topic base name and a set of optional topic options. The combination will uniquely identify a specific topic.
The topic base name is required to start with a "/" (forward slash) and can otherwise only contain alphanumeric characters [a-z|A-Z|0-9] and additional forward slashes. The name is case sensitive.
The topic options are added to the topic base name as URL parameters:
Parameter |
Value |
Description |
messageFormat |
Use simple text message format when publishing and consuming on the topic. This is the default if messageFormat is not set. |
messageFormat |
Use IKB message format when publishing and consuming on the topic. |
userList |
true |
Enable userList support. Requires messageFormat=IKB. Instant will keep a list of all connected users and support subscriptionOptions requestUserList and subscribeUserListChanges. |
While the TEXT message format can be used to send any text information, the IKB message format has additional application support:
Publishers should send messages using a IKBRequestMessage:
Parameter | Description | Type |
toUserName |
The userName of a the recipient. The message will only be delivered to connections with that userName. Optional. |
String |
messageType |
A message type identifier the clients can use to describe the message data payload or reason for message. Optional. |
String |
correlationId |
A optional user specific identifier that can be used with server requests (iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.request*). The identifier will be present in the corresponding response. |
String |
data |
The data to be sent. Required. |
String |
Publishers can also choose to send a simple text message to a topic with messageFormat=IKB. This message will be set as data and all optional fields will be empty. |
Consumers will always receive messages as a IKBResponseMessage:
Parameter | Description | Type |
fromUser |
The UserReference object of the sender. Present if the user was authenticated, otherwise null. |
Hash |
toUserName |
The userName of a the recipient. The recipient can see if this was a private message or a public message. Optional. |
String |
messageType |
A message type identifier the clients can use to describe the message data payload or reason for message. Optional. |
String |
correlationId |
A optional user specific identifier that can be used with server requests (iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.request*). The identifier will be present in the corresponding response. |
String |
data |
The data sent by the publisher. |
String |
17.1.4. Examples
This example establishes a connection to an instant topic, with a single onMessage-callback.
var channel = iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.subscribe ({ topicName: "/blog/entries", atmosphereOptions: { onMessage: function (data) { /* Do something with message */ } } });
This example establishes a connection to an instant topic with specified options, including:
Option type | Option | Value |
Topic |
messageFormat |
Topic |
userList |
true |
Subscription |
requestUserList |
true |
Subscription |
subscribeUserListChanges |
true |
Atmosphere |
transport |
websocket |
Atmosphere |
onMessage |
a callback function |
Atmosphere |
onError |
a callback function |
[#ftl] [#if context.user.isLoggedOn] [#assign secureTokenAuth = "'_ikbUserToken':" + "'" + context.user.token.value + "'"] [#else] [#assign secureTokenAuth = ''] [/#if] var channel = iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.subscribe ({ topicName: "/blog/entries?messageFormat=IKB&userList=true", subscriptionOptions: { requestUserList: true, subscribeUserListChanges: true, ${secureTokenAuth} // Authentication header from ikbViewer }, atmosphereOptions: { transport: "websocket", onMessage: function (data) { /* Do something with message */ }, onError: function (atmosphereResponse) { /* Do something with message */ } } });
17.2. Atmosphere.publish
This method establishes a topic-specific channel between the client and a server. The method also sets up callbacks for various events.
17.2.1. Syntax
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.publish (channel, data)
Parameter | Description | Type |
channel |
Channel to publish message on, as returned from subscribe(). |
Object |
data |
Data to publish on channel. Type depends on topic messageFormat; use hash for IKB and String for TEXT |
String or Hash |
17.2.2. Example
To send a text message on a channel with messageFormat=TEXT
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.publish (channel, "Everybody, there is cake in the reception!");
To send a direct message on a channel with messageFormat=IKB
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.publish (channel, { toUserName: "NARMSTRONG", messageType: "WALK_ON_MOON", data: "One giant leap, indeed!" });
17.3. Atmosphere.unsubscribe
This method establishes a topic-specific channel between the client and a server. The method also sets up callbacks for various events.
17.3.1. Syntax
When called without parameters, the unsubscribe-function closes all open connections
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.unsubscribe ()
When called with a single channel parameters, the unsubscribe-function closes the connection to that channel.
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.unsubscribe (channel)
Parameter | Description | Type |
channel |
Channel to unsubscribe to, as returned from subscribe(). |
Object |
17.4. Atmosphere.requestUserListUpdate
Request a userList response from the server. Same as subscription option subscribeUserListChanges, but used on demand.
17.4.1. Syntax
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.requestUserListUpdate (channel, correlationId)
Parameter | Description | Type |
channel |
Channel for requesting the server information, as returned from subscribe(). |
Object |
correlationId |
An optional user specific identified that will be present in the server response. |
String |
Result is an onMessage call containing IKBResponseMessage with messageType=IKB.USERLIST.RESPONSE and data=List<UserReference>.
17.4.3. Example
To request a userList update:
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.requestUserListUpdate (channel, "MY_CORRELATION_ID");
onMessage response.responseBody:
{ "toUserName":"ORCLADMIN", "fromUser":{ "guid":null, "id":0, "username":"ikb$instant", "dn":null, "label":"iKnowBase Instant Server" }, "messageType":"IKB.USERLIST.USERS", "correlationId":"MY_CORRELATION_ID", "data":[ { "guid":"BBEA12EB56126795E040000A180038B7", "id":58466, "username":"KERMIT", "dn":null, "label":"kermit frog" }, { "guid":"8582B1E8B4AA4BDA9B7E0B6422A1D1F7", "id":125, "username":"ORCLADMIN", "dn":"orcladmin", "label":"Administrator orcladmin" } ] }
17.5. Atmosphere.requestUserList
Request a filtered userList response from the server. Typically used to check a subset of the result from subscribeUserListChanges.
17.5.1. Syntax
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.requestUserList (channel, correlationId, userNames)
Parameter | Description | Type |
channel |
Channel for requesting the server information, as returned from subscribe(). |
Object |
correlationId |
An optional user specific identified that will be present in the server response. |
String |
userNames |
An optional array or ; delimited String of usernames used as filter. |
String |
Result is an onMessage call containing IKBResponseMessage with messageType=IKB.USERLIST.RESPONSE and data=List<UserReference>.
17.5.3. Example
To request a filtered userList:
// Example where a full userList would result in ORCLADMIN and KERMIT. Apply KERMIT as filter. iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.requestUserList (channel, "MY_CORRELATION_ID", "KERMIT");
onMessage response.responseBody:
{ "toUserName":"ORCLADMIN", "fromUser":{ "guid":null, "id":0, "username":"ikb$instant", "dn":null, "label":"iKnowBase Instant Server" }, "messageType":"IKB.USERLIST.RESPONSE", "correlationId":"MY_CORRELATION_ID", "data":[ { "guid":"BBEA12EB56126795E040000A180038B7", "id":58466, "username":"KERMIT", "dn":null, "label":"kermit frog" } ] }
17.6. Atmosphere.requestSubscribeUserListChanges
Enable or disable join/leave updates for the active connection. Same as subscription option subscribeUserListChanges, but used on demand.
17.6.1. Syntax
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.requestSubscribeUserListChanges (channel, correlationId, newSubscribeUserListChangesState)
Parameter | Description | Type |
channel |
Channel for requesting the server information, as returned from subscribe(). |
Object |
correlationId |
An optional user specific identified that will be present in the server response. |
String |
newSubscribeUserListChangesState |
Boolean for if subscribeUserListChanges should be enabled(true) or disabled(false). |
Boolean |
Result is an onMessage call containing IKBResponseMessage with messageType=IKB.USERLIST.RESPONSE and data=List<UserReference>.
17.6.3. Example
To enable subscribeUserListChanges:
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.requestSubscribeUserListChanges (channel, "MY_CORRELATION_ID", true);
onMessage response.responseBody:
{ "toUserName":"ORCLADMIN", "fromUser":{ "guid":null, "id":0, "username":"ikb$instant", "dn":null, "label":"iKnowBase Instant Server" }, "messageType":"IKB.USERLIST.SUBSCRIBE.RESPONSE", "correlationId":"MY_CORRELATION_ID", "data":"Change request for SubscribeUserListChanges: old=false; new=true" }
To disable subscribeUserListChanges:
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.requestSubscribeUserListChanges (channel, "MY_CORRELATION_ID", false);
onMessage response.responseBody:
{ "toUserName":"ORCLADMIN", "fromUser":{ "guid":null, "id":0, "username":"ikb$instant", "dn":null, "label":"iKnowBase Instant Server" }, "messageType":"IKB.USERLIST.SUBSCRIBE.RESPONSE", "correlationId":"MY_CORRELATION_ID", "data":"Change request for SubscribeUserListChanges: old=true; new=false" }
17.7. setDefaultOptions
This method sets default options to be used for all future subscribe-calls.
17.7.1. Syntax
iKnowBase.Instant.setDefaultOptions (options)
When called with a single channel parameters, the unsubscribe-function closes the connection to that channel.
iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.unsubscribe (channel)
Parameter | Description | Type |
options |
Options to be used, a combination of iKnowBase- and Atmosphere specific options. See Atmosphere.subscribe() for details. |
Hash |
17.8. Complete example
functon displayMessageNotification (data) { iKnowBase.notify({ title: "New message received", text: data }); } var channel = iKnowBase.Instant.Atmosphere.subscribe ({ topicName: "/blog/entries", atmosphereOptions: { transport: "websocket", onMessage: displayMessageNotification } });
18. iKnowBase.ContentViewer
The iKnowBase.ContentViewer object contains functions and properties relating to the content viewer.
Property |
Description |
Type(s) |
deleteDocument |
This method will delete a document, with or without prompting the user. |
Function |
18.1. deleteDocument
The deleteDocument method on the ContentViewer-object will delete the specified document, with or without prompting the user.
18.1.1. Syntax and parameters
The syntax is "iKnowBase.ContentViewer.deleteDocument (options)", where options is a JavaScript hash containing the delete options. The options object supports the following properties:
Parameter |
Description |
Type |
notification |
Whether to display notifications or not. Defaults to true. |
Boolean |
prompt |
Whether to prompt the user or not. Defaults to true. |
Boolean |
documentReferences |
Identification of the document(s) to be deleted. Required. |
Number , Object or Array |
mode |
The delete mode. Available modes: ALL (delete all subdocuments), DETACH (detach all subdocuments), CHAIN (attach all subdocuments to deleted document’s parent). Defaults to ALL. |
Boolean |
onError |
Callback function for unsuccessful deletion. Available argurments: data, textStatus, jqXHR. |
Function |
onSuccess |
Callback function for successful deletion. Available argurments: jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown. |
Function |
reloadComponentId |
The ID of the component to be reloaded after a successful deletion. |
String |
Use the documentReferences parameter to identify which documents to delete. The property can be one of the following:
A document id
A document reference object
An array of document ids
An array of document reference objects
Deletion of multiple documents is not supported yet. |
After a successful delete, a debug message is logged to the browser console, and one of the following happens:
If onSuccess is provided, the callback function is called
If reloadComponentId is provided and notifications are enabled, the component is reloaded and a notification message is displayed
If reloadComponentId is provided and notifications are disabled, the component is reloaded with no notification message
If reloadComponentId is missing and prompts are enabled, the page is reloaded
If reloadComponentId is missing and prompts are disabled, the function performs no UI-operations (the programmer can use the returned promise for actions)
After an unsuccessful delete, a debug message is logged to the browser console, and one of the following happens:
If onError is provided, the callback function is called
If onError is missing and notifications are enabled, a notification message is displayed
If onError is missing and notifications are disabled, the function performs no UI-operations (the programmer can use the returned promise for actions)
The return value from deleteDocument, if called without user prompt, is a jQuery promise object (actually a jqXHR object) making it possible to attach callbacks using methods such as done(), fail() and always(). See the example below for more information.
18.1.2. Examples
The following example prompts the user for deletion of the document with id=1234, if the user accepts the document is deleted and the entire page is reloaded:
iKnowBase.ContentViewer.deleteDocument ({documentReferences: 1234});
The following example prompts the user for deletion of the document with id=1234, if the user accepts the document is deleted, the page component is reloaded and the user is notified:
iKnowBase.ContentViewer.deleteDocument ({documentReferences: 1234, reloadComponentId: ${}});
The following example deletes the document with id=1234 and version=2 without prompting the user, any subdocuments are deleted and the user is notified:
iKnowBase.ContentViewer.deleteDocument ({ documentReferences: {id:1234, version:2}, deleteWithoutPrompt: true });
The following example deletes the document without prompting the user, any subdocuments are detached and the callback is run:
iKnowBase.ContentViewer.deleteDocument ({ documentReferences: {id:1234, version:2}, mode: DETACH, deleteWithoutPrompt: true, onSuccess: function() {alert('delete doucment success')}, onError: function() {alert('delete document error')} });
Instead of using the callback properties of the options object, the promise object may be used to run callbacks:
iKnowBase.ContentViewer.deleteDocument ({ documentReferences: {id:1234, version:2}, deleteWithoutPrompt: true, }).done (function () { alert('delete doucment success'); }).fail (function () { alert('delete doucment error'); });
Other APIs
19. Content Server
The iKnowBase Content Server is the web endpoint for accessing document content. The content server supports both getting (downloading) and putting (uploading) content over the HTTP-protocol.
19.1. Download content
To download content, use the HTTP GET-method with a URL identifying a specific document. The format of the URL is a set of options, separated by slashes and/or commas, ending with a trailing (and unused) readable name:
/Content/id/option,option,option,.../name /Content/id/option/option/option/.../name
You may use either one or both of the conventions: Separate the options by a forward slash, or use the comma, or a combination of both. Also, there is no restriction on the ordering of the options.
Option |
Description |
id |
A number specifying the document ID of the document whose content you want to retrieve | |
Specifies the document ID of the document whose content you want to retrieve |
document.guid=guid |
Specifies the document guid of the document whose content you want to retrieve |
document.externalKey=key |
Specifies the external key of the document whose content you want to retrieve |
docid=number |
Specifies the document ID of the document whose content you want to retrieve |
guid=guid |
Specifies the document guid of the document whose content you want to retrieve |
version=number |
Specifies the version number of the document that you want to retrieve |
attr=guid |
Specifies the guid of a file attribute whose content you want to retrieve |
cache=millis |
This option specified that you want the server to set HTTP-headers that request the document to be cached, if the lastChangedDate of the document matches the given millis-value. |
expires=seconds |
Specifies that you want the server to set HTTP-headers that request the document to be cached for the specified number of seconds. |
no-cache |
Specifies that you want the server to set HTTP-headers that request the document not to be cached. |
accept=text |
Specifies that you want the content object converted to and returned as a pure text file. The server response will use the Mime-type "text/plain". |
accept=html |
Specifies that you want the content object converted to and returned as an HTML file. The server response will use the Mime-type "text/html". |
accept=pdf |
Specifies that you want the content object converted to and returned as a PDF file. The server response will use the Mime-type "application/pdf". |
accept=zip |
Specifies that you want the content object zipped and returned as a zip file. Most useful along when downloading multiple files (see below). |
content-disposition=inline |
Specifies that you want the server to set the HTTP header "content-disposition: inline". This is a request to the browser that the document is opened inline, inside the browser window. |
content-disposition=attachment |
Specifies that you want the server to set the HTTP header "content-disposition: attachment". This is a request to the browser that the document is opened as an attachment, in a special application outside the browser window. |
content-disposition=none |
Specifies that you want the server to NOT set the HTTP header "content-disposition", leaving it up to the browser to decide what to do. |
name |
Any name you want in the URL. The content server does in fact not use this for anything, but it is useful for providing a human readable URL, and to provide an extension for the web browser. |
The URL above will download the content of document #1234. The part "FlightPlan.doc" is not used by the content server, but may help the user to better understand what the document is about.
The URL above will download the content of document #1234, version 2, converted to HTML. Again, the part "FlightPlan.html" is not used by the content server, but may help the user to better understand what the document is about.
The URL above will download the content of a document with external key "KEY_CURRENT_FLIGHT_PLAN", converted to PDF. Again, the part "FlightPlan.pdf" is not used by the content server, but may help the user to better understand what the document is about.
19.2. Download multiple files
You may use the Content Server to download multiple files at once. To do this, add a number of entry-parameters to the URL, where each parameter is a full specification for the Content Server. For example, use the following (one line, broken here for readability):
/Content/accept=zip/ ?entry=/1111/mydocument.doc &entry=/1111/accept=text/mydocument.text &entry=/1111/accept=html/mydocument.html &entry=/docid=2222/version=2/instructions.pdf
The URL above specifies the following:
Download a zip-file (accept=zip)
Include document ID 1111, named "mydocument.doc"
Include document ID 1111, converted to text, named "mydocument.text"
Include document ID 1111, converted to html, named "mydocument.text"
Include document ID 2222, version 2, named "instructions.pdf"
19.3. Upload content
You may use the ContentServer to upload files, either as new documents or new content for existing documents.
19.3.1. Existing documents
To upload new content for existing documents, POST data to the Content Server, using the same URL that will server document content (shown above). You will need to be logged in for this to work.
19.3.2. New documents
Uploading new documents through the ContentServer works together with the UploadEvent mechanism: The Content Server receives the file, and then triggers an UploadEvent. The implementation of the UploadEvent will then handle the actual storage of the new document.
To upload new documents, POST data to the root of the Content Server. In addition to the files you upload, you may also pass a parameter "uploadParameters" that are forwareded to the UploadEvent; the content of this can be used to specify how the content should be handled.
Uploading content through the file server is most useful with new HTML5-mechanisms, where the following could be used to enable drag-and-drop of files into iKnowBase:
function startUpload(files, uploadParameters) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var data = new FormData(); data.append("uploadParameters", uploadParameters); for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) data.append("file", files[i]);"POST", "/private/content"); xhr.send(data); }
20. Page Engine
The iKnowBase Page Engine is the server component responsible for handling web requests from clients (web browsers, tablets, smart phones, etc). The Page Engine will find the proper page, and return it to the client.
20.1. General use
The basic use of the page engine is to parse the URL, find the page requested, build the page content, and return it to the client. The page engine is available both at the application root, and under the "/page" endpoint.
For example, if the iKnowBase web application with Viewer module is mounted on "/", both of the following requests will find the page "/about", and return to the client:
/about /page/about
Normally, you will use the root-based mountpoint (/about). However, there are some other services that have higher priority, such as the content server on /Content. Therefore, it is not possible to access a page named "/Content" using "/Content", and you will have to use the specific endpoint "/page/Content".
20.2. Language support
When a user first accesses the Page Engine, he will get a user session. One of the items stored in the session is the current language, where the initial value is decided from the domain configuration, the user settings or the user browser. However, the session language can be changed at runtime, valid only for that session.
For developers, the console available at /ikb$console provides a mechanism for changing the user language. This is readily available under the "developer" tab, and is very convenient for testing.
For application development, the language can also be changed using the URL-parameter "_ikbLanguageCode", with the value set to one of the available language codes. Use the URL-parameter on any page-request; the following two examples will change the language to Norwegian or English:
/about?_ikbLanguageCode=n /page/about?_ikbLanguageCode=us
20.3. Database trace functionality
The page engine (and really most of the iKnowBase infrastructure) uses a single database connection per request. It is possible to ask that all sql executed by that request should be traced in the Oracle database.
To enable tracing for a single request, use the optional URL parameter "_ikbRequestTracefile=trace_identifier", as follows:
Then, the database will create a trace file to the default trace location (which varies between database installations), using the specified trace identifier. For example, on an 11g installation this could be "/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_4851_frontpage.trc".
20.4. Refresh content cache
Page components that are configured to use content caching will automatically deliver their content from cache, whenever the cache is present and valid (not expired). However, it is possible to ask that a single request should refresh all content, and not delivered anything from cache.
To enable cache refresh for a single request, use the optional URL parameter "_ikbRefreshContentCache=true", as follows:
You may also use the "refreshCache" option on the loadComponent JavaScript-api, which in fact adds a "_ikbRefreshContentCache" parameter under the hood:
iKnowBase.PageEngine.reloadComponent ({ pageComponent: "ikb4", refreshCache: true })
21. Form HTML Template support
When you chose to use html-based generation for a Content form or Search source, you must supply the HTML markup that is used when the form is rendered. In the markup you provide, you can use a number of iKnowBase-specific tags, which are replaced with appropriate markup and information at runtime.
For getting started, use the Create new template button on the HTML tab; this will produce a sample template you can modify as needed.
21.1. Overview of IKB-tags
Tag |
Description |
Renders a HTML form-tag with the appropriate information. |
Renders the name of the HTML-form. |
Renders the label for a form field. |
Renders an input field for a form field. |
Renders a dimension selector for a form field. |
Renders a drop-down list of favorite dimensions for a form field. |
Renders a non-breaking space. |
Renders the calendar button for a form field. |
Renders a radio button for a form field. |
Renders a checkbox for a form field. |
Renders a select list for a form field. |
Renders a button for the form. |
Renders a button for selecting "related objects" for a form field. |
Renders a button for selecting "related image" for a form field. |
Works as an if-test, conditionally rendering or skipping the content, depending on document state. |
Renders a button to upload file content. |
Renders the current filename of file content. |
Renders the current link to file content. |
Renders a button for adding attachments to the document being edited. |
Renders a textarea for a form field. |
Renders a drop down list for adding more attributes to the form at run time. |
Renders a list of dynamic attributes added to the form at run-time. Applicable to Search sources. |
Renders the prompt defined for the form field. |
Renders a readable text value of a form field. |
Conditionally either renders or skips the content of the tag, depending on the document context. |
Renders a button for selecting the parent document for the current document. |
Renders the conditions defined for the search form field. Only applicable to Search sources. |
Replaces the tag with the name of the database procedure used to save the data when posting the form |
Executes a PL/SQL code fragment, and renders the output from the execution. |
Generally, you can add any HTML-attribute to the iKnowBase tag, and it will be rendered as part of the output.
21.2. ikb:form
The <ikb:form>
tag renders an HTML form-tag with the required attributes (action, method) set appropriately.
21.3. ikb:formname
The <ikb:formname>
tag renders the form name, either as set in the setup of the RunForm portlet or using a default value of "form_<formId>".
21.4. ikb:label
The <ikb:label>
tag will render the label of a form field, as specified in the forms configuration. The actual <ikb:label>
-tag will be replaced with a <span>
tag, while the value "IKB:PROMPT" inside the tag will be replaced with the actual value.
<IKB:LABEL id="-344" class="label">IKB:PROMPT</IKB:LABEL>
Renders as:
<span class="label">TheSpecifiedLabel</span>
21.5. ikb:input
The <ikb:input>
tag renders a html text field that can be used for editing a form field.
<IKB:INPUT id="-344" />
21.6. ikb:dimension
The <ikb:dimension>
tag renders an iconic button that will open a dimension selector for selecting more values for a form field. Use this along with <ikb:value>
, which will show the already selected values.
<IKB:DIMENSION id="800" imagesrc="/ressurs/list.gif" class="ikbFormDimension" /> <IKB:VALUE id="800" class="iKBFormInput" />
21.7. ikb:favorite_select
The <ikb:favorite_select>
tag renders a drop down list of the last recently used values for the dimension attribute. It is typically used with <ikb:dimension>
, which allow for the selection of values not in the drop down list.
<IKB:FAVORITE_SELECT id="802" size="1" /> <IKB:DIMENSION id="802" imagesrc="/ressurs/list.gif" /> <IKB:VALUE id="800" class="iKBFormInput" />
21.8. ikb:space
The <ikb:space>
tag renders a non-breaking space, the HTML entity  
21.9. ikb:calendar
The <ikb:calendar>
tag renders a button used to open a calendar for selecting date values.
<IKB:CALENDAR id="764" imagesrc="/ressurs/evita/cal/calendar.gif" buttonclass="ikbFormCalendarButton" />
21.10. ikb:radio
The <ikb:radio>
tag renders a set of radio buttons, corresponding to the options of a form field. The content of the tag will be repeated for each value, with the placeholders <IKB:INPUT_ID>
being replaced with the actual ID and prompt for each value.
<IKB:RADIO id="802"> <IKB:INPUT_ID> <span class="label">IKB:INPUT_PROMPT</span> </IKB:RADIO>
21.11. ikb:check
The <ikb:check>
tag renders a set of checkboxes, corresponding to the options of a form field. The content of the tag will be repeated for each value, with the placeholders <IKB:INPUT_ID>
being replaced with the actual ID and prompt for each value.
<IKB:CHECK id="-142"> <IKB:INPUT_ID class="ikbCheck" maxlength="20" size="20"> <span class="label">IKB:INPUT_PROMPT</span> </IKB:CHECK>
21.12. ikb:select
The <ikb:select>
tag renders a select box for a form field. The select box may allow either single or multiple select, depending on the specified options.
Examples of a single select box:
<IKB:SELECT id="803" size="1" />
Example of a multi-select box.
<IKB:SELECT id="-161" class="ikbSelect" size="4" multiple/>
21.13. ikb:button
The <ikb:button>
tag renders a button for one of the default actions of the form. Specify which type of button it is by using the id-attribute of the <ikb:button>
Id | Description |
When the user clicks on this button the information given in the form will be saved, and the form will close. Applicable to Forms. |
When the user clicks on this button the information given in the form will be saved, and the form will remain open.Applicable to Forms. |
When the user clicks on this button the changes will be saved and he will navigate to the next Form in the Task wizard. Applicable to Forms which are part of a Task wizard. |
When the user clicks on this button he the changes will be saved and he will navigate to the previous Form in the Task wizard. Applicable to Forms which are part of a Task wizard. |
When the user clicks on this button the changes will be saved, and the Task wizard will close. Applicable to Forms which are part of a Task wizard. |
When the user clicks on this button the search will be performed with the search criteria given in the search form. Applicable to Search sources. |
When the user clicks on this button the search criterias will be stored. They can be used to support saved search functionality. Applicable to Search sources. |
When the user clicks on this button the changes performed in the form will be reset to the original values. Applicable to Forms and Search sources. |
Example of a save button:
<IKB:BUTTON id="SAVE" class="ikbFormResetButton" value="Save" />
Example of a cancel button:
<IKB:BUTTON id="RESET" class="ikbFormResetButton" value="Cancel" />
Language support can be implemented by entering a NLS-string identification as the value of the tag:
<IKB:BUTTON id="RESET" value="#cs.reset#" />
21.14. ikb:related_object
The <ikb:related_object>
tag renders an iconic button that will open a picklist for selecting related document objects for a form field. Use this along with <ikb:value>
, which will show the already selected values.
<IKB:related_object id="800" imagesrc="/ressurs/list.gif" class="ikbFormDimension" /> <IKB:VALUE id="800" class="iKBFormInput" />
21.15. ikb:related_image
The <ikb:related_image>
tag renders an iconic button that will open the image archive for selecting images for a form field. Use this along with <ikb:value>
, which will show the already selected values.
<IKB:RELATED_IMAGE id="800" imagesrc="/ressurs/list.gif" class="ikbFormDimension" /> <IKB:VALUE id="800" class="iKBFormInput" />
21.16. ikb:file
The <ikb:file>
tag renders a "browse" button for uploading file content into a form field. Use along with <ikb:filelink>
, which shows the current filename (if any).
<IKB:FILE id="675" />
21.17. ikb:filelink
The <ikb:filelink>
tag renders the filename of the current file of the document being edited.
<IKB:FILELINK id="675" />
21.18. ikb:fileurl
The <ikb:fileurl>
tag renders the url to the current file of the document being edited. Can be used within a File attribute or a document file attribute
<img border="2" src="<IKB:FILEURL id="675" />"> <a href="<IKB:FILEURL id="675" />" title="This is an image">My title</a>
21.19. ikb:attachment
The <ikb:attachment>
tag renders a "browse" button for uploading attachments to the document being edited.
Use along with <ikb:filelink>
, which shows the current filename (if any).
<IKB:ATTACHMENT id="774" />
21.20. ikb:textarea
The <ikb:textarea>
tag renders a HTML <textarea>..</textarea>
for a form field.
21.21. ikb:addattribute
The <ikb:addattribute>
tag renders a select list of possible other attributes for the form. Use this for dynamic forms, where you want the user to be able to add other attributes to the form, at will.
21.22. ikb:display_add_attr
The <ikb:display_add_attr>
tag renders a list of attributes added to the form at run-time. Use this for dynamic forms, where you want the user to be able to add other attributes to the form, at will.
21.23. ikb:prompt
The <ikb:prompt>
tag renders the prompt defined for the form field.
21.24. ikb:display
The <ikb:display>
tag renders the value of a form field as a readable text.
21.25. ikb:conditional
The <ikb:conditional>
tag conditionally either renders or skips the content of the tag, depending on the document context.
Example for "select folder", which is displayed only when uploading a document from a desktop productivity package (Microsoft Office):
<IKB:CONDITIONAL id="752" /> <IKB:DIMENSION id="752" imagesrc="/ressurs/list.gif" class="ikbFormDimension" /> </IKB:CONDITIONAL id="752">
Example for "select template", which runs only when a document is not uploaded from a desktop productivity package:
<IKB:CONDITIONAL id="753" /> <IKB:SELECT id="753" size="1" /> </IKB:CONDITIONAL id="753">
21.26. ikb:masterselect
The <ikb:masterselect>
renders a button for selecting the parent document for the current document.
21.27. ikb:condition
The <ikb:condition>
tag renders the conditions defined for the search form field.
<IKB:CONDITION id="-344" class=""/>
This tag is only applicable to search sources.
21.28. oracle
The <oracle>
tag executes any PL/SQL code fragment, and renders the output produced by the executed code. The standard HTP-package supplied with the database may be used.
All valid PL/SQL commands are permitted, and you can call other functions that are implemented in packets or self-contained functions.
Stored functions are preferred over in-place code due to maintenance issues. |
You can also send context-based parameters.
Variable | Description |
If the document exists, the document ID is sent. |
DocumentID of the parent document, if the parent ID exists |
Identifier for the portlet instance |
Identifier for the form definition |
Identifier for the task wizard definition, when applicable |
Identifier for the task step definition, when applicable |
The current language code (from user, form, session, …) |
Userid of the current user |
The formname |
The Back URL, as defined by Portal. |
<ikb:form> <table> <tr> <td> <p><ORACLE> Begin Htp.p('The time is now: '||to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi')); End; </ORACLE></p> </td> <td> <p><ORACLE> Begin Htp.p( 'The number of sub-documents are: ' || subdocuments_count(:DOCUMENT_ID)); End; </ORACLE></p> </td> </tr> </table> </ikb:form>
22. SOLR Schema model
Integration between SOLR and iKnowBase is implemented with usage of a solr configuration (in iKBStudio) where the mapping between iKnowBase attributes and the Solr schema is done. To support the dynamic attribute model in iKnowBase, we use dynamic fields in Solr to store, index or make searchable the same attributes. Also NLS-support is implemented with dynamic fields, and by default Norwegian and English is supported. If the iKnowBase instance supports more languages, we need to add the required fields for each language.
The following table shows the iKnowBase fields in solr/Schema.xml
Tag | Type | Description | Property |
id |
System |
Unique identifier for a solr document. Syntax is |
Stored, indexed |
indextime |
System |
Indicates when the document was last indexed in SOLR |
Stored, Indexed |
document_id |
Document |
iKnowBase document id |
Stored, indexed |
url |
Document |
The URL to the document in iKnowBase |
Stored |
title |
Document |
The title in iKnowBase |
Stored, indexed |
description |
Document |
Description of the document |
body |
Document |
The body text or content from a file |
Document |
Name of the document type |
Stored, Indexed |
Document |
Document status |
Stored, Indexed |
acl_id |
Document |
ACL id on the document. -1 if null |
Indexed |
owner_id |
Document |
The ownerID of the document |
Indexed |
valid_from |
Document |
Indicated when the document is valid from |
Stored, Indexed |
Dynamic |
Used to build query completion fields. Single valued |
Indexed |
Dynamic |
Used to build query completion fields. Multi valued |
Indexed |
Query field |
Contains the searchable title |
Indexed |
Query field |
Contains the searchable description |
Indexed |
Query field |
Contains the searchable body text |
Indexed |
Query field |
Contains the searchable attribute values |
Indexed |
Query field |
Stemmer field for title |
Indexed |
Query field |
Stemmer field for description |
Indexed |
Query field |
Stemmer field for body |
Indexed |
Query field |
Stemmer field for attribute values |
Indexed |
Attribute |
Makes the value searchable |
Attribute |
Index the value. Can be used as a query condition |
Indexed |
Attribute |
Stores the value. Used for presentation |
Store |
Attribute |
Combined field |
Stored, Indexed |
Attribute |
Combined field |
Stored |
Attribute |
Combined field |
Stored, Indexed |
Attribute |
Combined field |
Stored, Indexed |
Attribute |
Date type to store and index dates |
Store, Indexed |
Attribute |
Date type to store dates |
Indexed |
Attribute |
Date type to index dates |
Indexed |
Attribute |
Integer type to handle id’s e.g dimensionID |
Stored, Indexed |
Attribute |
String type to handle GUID values e.g dimensionGuid |
Stored, Indexed |
Attribute |
String type to handle dimension paths |
Stored |
23. Instant Server
The iKnowBase Instant Server is the web endpoint for real time asynchronous messaging.
In addition to the JavaScript API, see JavaScript library > iKnowBase.Instant in the iKnowBase API Reference, which supports both publish and consume, the following APIs are available for publishing messages.
23.1. HTTP API
The HTTP API supports publishing to topics and is an easy way of publishing messages for HTTP clients when there is no need for subscribing to and receiving messages.
The HTTP API v1 has the following endpoints:
Endpoint | Authentication | Authentication type | Return value | Comment |
/ikb$instant/service/v1/publish |
Optional* |
_ikbUserToken |
*Topics with UserList support requires authentication using Secure Token Engine Authentication. |
/ikb$instant/private/service/v1/publish |
Required |
Container |
This is a protected URL. Clients will be prompted for authentication according to authentication setu |
/ikb$instant/service/v1/requestUserList |
Required |
_ikbUserToken |
JSON:List of UserReference |
Request a filtered userlist for the specified topic. |
/ikb$instant/private/service/v1/requestUserList |
Required |
Container |
JSON:List of UserReference |
Request a filtered userlist for the specified topic. |
/ikb$instant/service/v1/requestUserListUpdate |
Required |
_ikbUserToken |
JSON:List of UserReference |
Request a full userlist for the specified topic. Same as the JavaScript client subscription option requestUserList=true. |
/ikb$instant/private/service/v1/requestUserListUpdate |
Required |
Container |
JSON:List of UserReference |
Request a full userlist for the specified topic. Same as the JavaScript client subscription option requestUserList=true. |
For the old method "sendMessage" is deprecated and replaced by "publish". |
23.1.1. /ikb$instant/service/v1/sendMessage:
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
topic |
Topic to publish message on. This is the full topicName (<topic base name>?<topic options>). |
String |
message |
Text coded data to publish on channel. |
String |
_ikbUserToken |
Scure token identifying the client user. |
String |
NO* |
23.1.2. /ikb$instant/private/service/v1/sendMessage:
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
topic |
Topic to publish message on. This is the full topicName (<topic base name>?<topic options>). |
String |
message |
Text coded data to publish on channel. |
String |
23.1.3. Sending messageFormat=IKB
An example "message" parameter using sendMessage with messageFormat=IKB:
{"toUserName":"","messageType":"SAMPLE_MESSAGE","data":"Hi, how are you?"}
fromUser will be added to the IKBResponseMessage based on authentication.
23.1.4. /ikb$instant/service/v1/requestUserList:
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
topic |
Topic requested for user list. This is the full topicName (<topic base name>?<topic options>). |
String |
userNames |
Array of usernames. |
String[] |
NO |
_ikbUserToken |
Scure token identifying the client user. |
String |
Return value: List of UserReference as JSON.
23.1.5. /ikb$instant/private/service/v1/requestUserList:
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
topic |
Topic requested for user list. This is the full topicName (<topic base name>?<topic options>). |
String |
userNames |
Array of usernames. |
String[] |
Return value: List of UserReference as JSON.
23.1.6. /ikb$instant/service/v1/requestUserListUpdate:
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
topic |
Topic requested for user list. This is the full topicName (<topic base name>?<topic options>). |
String |
_ikbUserToken |
Scure token identifying the client user. |
String |
Return value: List of UserReference as JSON.
See also: PL/SQL ContentServices API and the package "IKB_INSTANT".
23.2.1. Publish message
The PLSQL API supports publishing to topics using procedure IKB_INSTANT.PUBLISH with the following parameters.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Message formats |
p_topic |
Topic to publish message on. This is the full topicName (<topic base name>?<topic options>). |
p_data |
Text coded data to publish on channel. |
p_from_username |
The userName that published the message. |
NO* |
p_to_username |
The target userName when publishing a private message. |
NO |
p_message_type |
A message type used by the application. |
NO |
Example procedure for integration with iKnowBase Event using TEXT message:
Example procedure for integration with iKnowBase Event using IKB message:
You may need to issue "set define off" due to ampersands (&) in P_TOPIC. |
23.2.2. Server request: requestUserList
The PLSQL API supports the server request "requestUserList" for UserList topics.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Default value |
p_topic |
Topic requested for user list. This is the full topicName (<topic base name>?<topic options>). |
null |
p_from_username |
The userName that requests the list. |
null |
p_user_names |
Specify to only receive a filtered list of users. |
NO |
empty array |
p_timeout |
Specify to only receive a filtered list of users. |
NO |
10 (seconds) |
The call will return CT_USEREFERENCE, which is a list of OT_USERREFERENCE of users currently registered as online on the topic.
Example statement for calling the requestUserList:
You may need to issue "set define off" due to ampersands (&) in P_TOPIC. |
23.2.3. Server request: requestUserListUpdate
The PLSQL API supports the server request "requestUserListUpdate" for UserList topics. This call produces the exact same output as the JavaScript client subscription option requestUserList=true.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Default value |
p_topic |
Topic requested for user list. This is the full topicName (<topic base name>?<topic options>). |
null |
p_from_username |
The userName that requests the list. |
null |
p_timeout |
Specify to only receive a filtered list of users. |
NO |
10 (seconds) |
The call will return CT_USEREFERENCE, which is a list of OT_USERREFERENCE of users currently registered as online on the topic.
Example statement for calling the requestUserList:
You may need to issue "set define off" due to ampersands (&) in P_TOPIC. |
24. ikb_mailsender
The PL/SQL ikb_mailsender-package is used to send emails to one or more recipients.
See also: PL/SQL ContentServices API and the package "IKB_MAILSENDER".
24.1.1. Mail
The PLSQL API supports a method to send mail to one or more recipients with or without attachments.
Example procedure for sending a file to recipients with cc and bcc as arrays as a single mail:
procedure send_file (p_filename in varchar2, p_mimetype in varchar2, p_file blob) is begin ikb_mailsender.send(p_profile => 'default', p_from => ''myadr-from-0`'', p_recip => sendmail.makeArray(ct_value_varchars( ot_value_varchar('myadr-0`'), ot_value_varchar('myadr-1`'))), p_subject => 'This is a mail', p_text_body => 'With some content', p_html_body => '`<h1>With some content</h1>`', p_attachment => ct_attachment( ot_attachment(p_filename,p_mimetype,p_file)), p_cc => sendmail.makeArray(ct_value_varchars( ot_value_varchar('myadr-2`'), ot_value_varchar('myadr-3`'))), p_bcc => sendmail.makeArray(ct_value_varchars( ot_value_varchar('myadr-4`'), ot_value_varchar('myadr-5`'))), p_send_individual => 'N', p_header_name => sendmail.makeArray(ct_value_varchars( ot_value_varchar('x-priority'), ot_value_varchar('Return-Path'))), p_header_value => sendmail.makeArray(ct_value_varchars( ot_value_varchar('1'), ot_value_varchar('my-return-path')))); end;
25. ikb_trashbin
The PL/SQL ikb_trashbin-package is used to restore documents stored in it.
See also: PL/SQL ContentServices API and the package "IKB_TRASHBIN".
25.1.1. Recovery of deleted documents
The trash bin is not activated by default, this is done per document type in ikb$console. If activated, a delete operation will move the document to the trash bin and keep it there until it 'expires', defined by the number of days to keep the document.
A PLSQL API supports a method to restore documents from the trash bin.
Example code for restoring two documents from the trash bin:
begin ikb_trashbin.RestoreFromTrashBin (p_document_references => ct_document_reference( ot_document_reference('EXT-KEY-1'), ot_document_reference('EXT-KEY-2')), p_execution_user => ot_userreference('Username')); end;
A restore can fail, e.g the external key has been reused or values referencing metadata no longer exists in iKnowBase. To resolve such an error you need direct database access. Check the error message carefully, connect to the iKnowBase schema and query the document from the tables ikb_trash_document and ikb_trash_document_attribute. Fix the error in any of these tables and do retry.